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Do you like driving at night?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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driving bridge
Image courtesy of Susie B / Freedigitalphotos.net

Some people like driving at night time and some don't. Some are worried about safety issues, while others can't see the concern. What do you think?

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I don't drive, so it is not an issue for me; but if I did, I don't think I would feel comfortable about it. In some cases, it might actually be safer, because in general there is less traffic, but I can understand why people might feel insecure. Depending on how good your eyesight is and how awake you feel at night time will have a significant impact.
Yes, there is nothing I like better than a clear open road at night time with the windows down and my favourite songs blasting on the radio.
I don't mind driving at night as it's usually very quiet on the roads. However I never have the need for it.
I need to get more behind the wheel. I am not a fully confident driver. Therefore only day time driving suits me at the moment until my confidence builds.
I avoid driving at night as much as possible.
I have been saying for a very long time, it is o.k. if there are 2 or more.
A female on her own, needs to be careful.
I do Not travel at night, unless I really have too.
I absolutely HATE travelling at night.
I am fond of driving at night as I spent the majority of my learner license hours learning how to drive at this time.

If anything the only thing that bothers me is the glare from oncoming vehicles which is bothersome after some time.

I find that the quiet streets make the drive very peaceful, however you can easily be spooked if something shoots out from nowhere such as a cat!
I have no qualms driving at night. The roads are usually less busy, kids are usually less energetic. I often volunteer to drive back home when we are out and about.
i don't like driving at night as I wear specs and the street and car headlights diffuse and make it hard to see.
Not an issue, unless there are no street lights, when you're in the country...
I no longer drive at night due to having glaucoma and is difficult to see.
by Finy
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