I don't drive, so it is not an issue for me; but if I did, I don't think I would feel comfortable about it. In some cases, it might actually be safer, because in general there is less traffic, but I can understand why people might feel insecure. Depending on how good your eyesight is and how awake you feel at night time will have a significant impact.
I need to get more behind the wheel. I am not a fully confident driver. Therefore only day time driving suits me at the moment until my confidence builds.
I have been saying for a very long time, it is o.k. if there are 2 or more.
A female on her own, needs to be careful.
I do Not travel at night, unless I really have too.
I absolutely HATE travelling at night.
I have no qualms driving at night. The roads are usually less busy, kids are usually less energetic. I often volunteer to drive back home when we are out and about.