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Do you like bush walking, and do you do this regularly?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you go bush walking with your family, and do you do this regularly?

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I used to go bush walking especially when we went down to the wine region of Margaret River where there were some interesting walks close to the town.

I have not done this however since I was in an accident as would probably have a problem if there was climbing involved.

I also used to walk in the bush behind my rpoperty with my llamas -until one day a dog chased them! They all took off and left us standing there, panicking, wondering how to get our precious animals back.
by Finy
Well, we don't have bush as such here, but I do like walking in the countryside! As a child we went on rambles a lot but after I became ill as a teenager, I haven't done it so much. When I do I enjoy it though. My husband has started taking our son out for long walks in the country now and they both love it! I'm hoping that as the weather and my health improves, I will be able to join them sometimes.
Walking of any description is the thing I miss most of all since having to use a cane after stopping work due to my severe and rare arthritic disease.I used to walk everywhere.....to and from work,to the various shopping centres,bush walking in the Rain forests to both North and South of where I live.
Even as a youngster,I enjoyed walking in the bush.I love the stillness and the sounds of nothing but the birds and critters,as well as the crunch of leaves underfoot!!!
No I haven't done it...I love nature and would enjoy walking in a forest or the like.
Love walking along the beach.

by Fran
I love bushwalking but my husband isn't up to it anymore and so it is rare for us to go.
I really enjoy it - we tend to do bush walking in the wintertime
by AJ
I love it, for all of say 20 mins.
After that time to go home and rest up.

I have a real fear of sneaky snakes.!
I regularly go bushwalking with my youngest daughter (17yrs) it gives us time to communicate and bond.The best time is around 5-6am when you have the trail to yourself undisturbed by humans for the longest possible time. My partner and myself are also planning to hike the complete Heysen Trail in two years time when i retire.
A few years ago, when I was still in school I did often with the scouts; I'm not so interested now.
Used to be in a Bushwalking Club.
Loved Bushwalking.
Don't do that anymore, sadly.
Life changes, so must do best as can at the time!
Yes, I enjoy doing it, although, with my husbands' health, we haven't done any walks like that for awhile. I truly enjoy being out with nature.
As a born and bred Blue Mountains girl, mum would often take my brother and I into the bush, pointing out native flowers and their names. We were also taught never to pick from bushes and trees but we could take what was laying on the ground. As I grew up I enjoyed the bush as a Girl Guide and then as a Leader but since retiring I've not had the time or the fitness to continue with it.
I do enjoy bush walking, but we never do it. I've been trying to get my husband to join a bushwalking club with me, but he has declined the offer. I think it's because they have to start off so early in the mornings, & because of my husbands poor sleeping patterns, it's hard for him to get up early, but I'll keep trying, because he needs the excursus.
by Miro
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