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Do you like Andre Rieu?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you like Andre Rieu?

#Andre Rieu
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I sinmply dislike this guy (wanted to say HATE but that is a bit strong!

Even just the look on his face aggravates me and I could not watch/listen to him, and cannot relate to people who go to see this "entertainer".

He is what we used to call a "drip":.

Definitely a NO I DO NOT LIKE -and I AM shouting this!!

Odd how someone can get on my nerves when I do not even know him.
by Finy
WOW! Finy ..... tell us how you really feel.
by jonaja
Yes, I have heard/watched him perform on Stictly Come Dancing and think he is a very good.
I must stick up for Andre. He has made classical concerts interesting, colourful and enjoyable. I went to his concert in Brisbane where they set up a replica of the Schonbrunn Palace and the whole concert was spectacular. He plays a lot of Strauss who is a classical composer I enjoy.

I saw his New York concert on DVD where they had the Harlem Gospel Choir singing so there was also a great variety. I think his concerts and the music he plays bring joy to people. Some of his concerts on DVD are quite uplifting.

In saying that, I haven't watched his DVDs for quite a long time as I think I overdosed on Andre when he first became popular in Australia. However he is a very clever businessman the way he has brought back classical music to the masses.
Not all that keen really....but he brings joy to some and that's a good thing.
Your photo of him is as bad as mine!!!
by Finy
That's why I picked it....lol
by jonaja
I really cant comment on his personality as I have only seen him perform maybe only once that I can recall. He is trying to bring classical music to the masses, that is his main aim, so I don't see anything wrong with that. As a person, I really have no idea about him so cant form an opinion.
I didnt mean personally Lluxi -i meant as a performer -he aggravates me for some reason...i also of course, do not know him!
by Finy
The way he goes about playing, etc, made a woman in my local orchestra pick up her violin and resume playing around 7-8 years ago so he does have an effect.
Love him Andre for president what a Boykie
If I am unaware of who I am listening to,then he is okay,but I am not overly fond of his stage antics. He has done a great deal for classical music though,and this HAS to be a decent aspect of him!! I would NEVER go to watch him in concert!
Finy . . > I stole your answer. I could not have put it better myself :-))) Hahahahaha.
by Rice
but doesnt this happen regularly with us!
by Finy
I think we have to face it Finy . . . we could be a bit odd. Bahahahahahahahahaha!
by Rice
I like his music, but i wouldn't buy his music! He has a few surprises in his shows. I have a friend in Darwin, who would fly to Sydney to see him in a show. She thinks he's gorgeous!
by Miro
miro, lucky we all see things differently!!
by Finy
Not really - am not fond of his kind of music. However, he certainly knows how to sell his brand of music and is a great showman. Just not my cup of tea.
He's what I'd call 'mediocre' at best, on the violin.
Would prefer listening to Nigel Kennedy, or Richard Tognetti, on violin.

I wouldn't be bothered going to his concerts.
I bought his 'Schonbrunn' DVD only, because I spent a very pleasant day there...fond memories!

BUT, what he's done in introducing the 'classics' to a huge audience, is certainly worthy of applause, IMHO!
Yep Donjo, Nigel Kennedy is my violin man. Don't really bovver with Andre much at all.
by fran.
Oh! fran, last time I went to Nigel's Concert, I was in middle of front row, & he walked to me, & gave a 'knuckle' handshake! It was marvellous! That was the third time, with same seating for me. Dare I think he may've recognised me?

His teacher at the Julliard School, NYC, was Yehudi Menuhin. Can't get better than that!
by donjo
Well Donjo, if that had been me that would have made my day. I just love him, but so many of my friends give him a terrible review because he doesn't fit in (with the age group or their expectations in dress sense etc) but he can make that violin sing. He is brilliant.
by fran.
Yes, fran, those who don't accept Nigel Kennedy as is, are missing much! He's just THE best on violin, & that's all which interests me. He could wear pink & purple stubbies, & t-shirt for all I care! I JUST want to hear him play the violin! Cheers!
by donjo
Good grief NO!
Yes I love his vibrant performances. He has brought classical music alive and is attracting a wide audience of music lovers and potential music lovers. I have booked 8 tickets for the cinema for friends.
Take or leave
Very much so.
I love watching and hearing him I saw him perform at fed square in Melbourne yrs ago. He is classy elegant and unquie.
I can't say anything about him as I have never heard his music. I can appreciate the 'his face aggravates me' sentiment, though. LOL! Finy, you always make me laugh!
by Vee
Look him up on youtube, Vee, & I think you be able to borrow a CD of his music, from your local library.
by Miro
I don't mind Andre Rieu,I thnk he would put on an entertaining show, I wouldn't mind taking my mum to see him because she likes him, but it's far too expensive.
I like him and agree with Therese B. He has brought the classics to everyone. I enjoy this as most classic music is not my taste. His concerts are entertaining, lively and lots of fun where as I would not go to see The melbourne symphony orchestra at all.
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