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Do you like and cook meals with mince meat?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you like, and cook with mince meat often?

#Mince meat
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I really like meals with mince however do not often eat red meat.

I have probably cooked with mince once in about 6 months!
I have used TVP which is vegetarian version of mince and although it is nice, it is not quite as nice as the real thing!

It is actually also not so cheap - it used to be known as a cheap meal however last time I bought it, I think I paid $14 kilo for the best mince which is equivalent to free range chicken I buy.

But, cost aside, it IS a meal that I have always enjoyed and especially spag. bolognese, and meat balls!
by Finy
Yes, Finy. Cabbage rolls can be a healthy food choice. I am careful with the salt,I add just a sprinkle. I pour unsalted tomato sauce over top. Yummy!
You are quite right Finy, it is NOT a cheap meal anymore. But then again neither are lamb shanks, pork belly, lamb chops etc etc. I don't really know where families with say 3 kids go to make a cheap meal.
by fran.
Yes, I just love mince as it is so versatile. I love meat balls, savoury mince, meatloaf, spag bol, and rissoles. I like san boy chou and I sometimes throw it in stir fries. Of course I adore my Mothers recipe for Shepherds Pie, so that's a family favourite as well. I am making rissoles tomorrow night for my daughter, so she can come home after work to a meal, while my husband and I are out seeing Paul Mc. Cartney. She can eat them as a meal, or make them up into hamburgers. I will get some hamburger buns for her, in case she wants to do this.
I like mince very much . . . (rissoles, spag bol, meatloaf) but, like Finy, I do not eat a lot of meat. However . . .before getting out of bed this morning I was contemplating savoury mince for dinner! I think I shall now make a big batch and freeze some for future use. Thanks Finy x x :-))
by Rice
my pleasure Rice - send me some
by Finy
Sorry Rice, we feed magpies, butcherbirds, kookaburras, & carrawongs. All the parents have been bringing their babies for the last month or so. I'm glad to say that the the last couple of days they haven't been turning up. We freeze the mince when it's not needed for the birds in ice-cube trays, then put them into freezer bags. When we go away on holidays, the birds still return, when they see we have returned.
by Miro
I do... lots of mexican
A super versatile option for my house full of hungry growing kids!
Yes, we usually have mince beef once a week. In fact tonight for dinner, I made a mince curry. At Aldi, I've recently started buying the organic beef, which does seem to have a nicer taste, even better than the No 5 mince. We use the No 2 mince to feed our birds.
by Miro
I once bought kangaroo mince for my maggies and . . .Oh boy! You should have seen the absolute disdain . . . . . I went right back to beef mince. I never knew magpies could sneer. Bahahahahaha. At my new house I have Splendid Fairy Wrens. they are just gorgeous. (and tiny!!)
by Rice
rice - how odd! but why would you feed magpies?
by Finy
. . . I just love magpies and butcher birds - they are so very smart. Magpies have to be just about the best parents ever. I have vowed not to feed any meat eaters at my new house though . . . I cried when I had to leave my flock of several families when I moved. (I made sure they never became dependent on me)
by Rice
I had to stop feeding the currawongs . . . it got a bit dire . . . about 50 of them . . .and they kept attacking all the others :(( I don't think my neighbours were very impressed either. oooooops. Heehee.
by Rice
Once in awhile I will prepare a meal using mince meat. Last night, I prepared cabbage rolls.
yummm little trout - they are good as I remember!
by Finy
Yes, I like mince meat meals and find it versatile. I mostly use beef mince but sometimes chicken, turkey or pork mince. It isn't as cheap as it once was but can be extended with lots of vegetables. There is so much one can do with some mince!
Yes. I use turkey and chicken mince a lot
by AJ
Yes, mince it fantastic and there is so much you can do with it.
Yes I love mince meals. They're easier to eat for me than a piece of steak, which I'm NOT fond of!
A couple of days ago, I bought some minced pork, so I now have to look up some mince pork recipes.
We only eat beef once a week, mostly minced beef. I've recently changed over to organic beef mince, which seems to have a nicer flavour. 500gms makes 6 meals, for us. We're eating much smaller meals, as we're getting older!
by Miro
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