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Do you like a person that eats a lot?

by megha (follow)
Food (698)     

Do you like a person that eats a lot?

# food
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I try not to judge people on how much or how little they eat. It doesn't have anything to do with how likeable they are.
If you eat a lot....come and join me!!!! I secretly are the president of "Over-eaters Anonymous". They say never trust a skinny cook, so you can trust me!!!!!
I can't answer this question it is ambiguous.
I have no real idea....what it is your asking!
Is that a thing? I am a person who eats a lot. I didn't know people noticed...
What do you think deem as "a lot"?
This question is kind of funny in my opinion, mostly because I never would have thought of this as a thing. Sure, I can see being worried about someone who eats to an unhealthy degree, but I certainly wouldn't judge them for it.
I am confused by the question, it is none of my business what a person eats, and I certainly do not judge a person on such criteria.
I suppose it could be an issue if they ate lots and it was out of my fridge when I hadn't invited them to open the door.
It doesn't bother me -mainly because I eat a lot, and what someone else does in this regard, is really none of my business.

I think it is foolish to eat so much that you become overweight as it has such health implications and can lead to so many bad things happening however once again, this is not up to me to judge someone else.
by Finy
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