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Do you like a man in uniform?

by chipp (follow)
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Men can really 'scrub' up nicely and look very presentable.

Do you like a man in uniform? If so, which is the best uniform a man could wear?

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Yes, uniformed men have their own aura. It really makes the men look very elegant
Some uniforms I like. The ones I don't like so much are the new urban combat style, for military or police, they just look too casual to me. I liked the older style ones. The uniforms I like now are navy uniforms and of course fireman uniforms. They just seem much better scrubbed up.
What is with guys and uniforms. Just something about that that makes them look very 'dashing'! ;)
I first wore an RAAF uniform in the first half of the 80s and then a range of army uniforms for 10 or so years after that, ranging from dress whites, blues scarlets (all for ceremonial occasions) with pith helmets or caps, and formal khaki ("service dress") to greens, cams, slouch hats and berets, and carrying everything from a musical instrument to firearms, bayonets, grenades and full pack etc.

The 80s and 90s were not the time to be seen in uniform (unless actually on duty as a group) and a lot of the time I was spat on or abused by uneducated members of the public. At the time, I reassured myself that they might have a different view if their way of life was suddenly threatened by an oppressive power on their doorstep, and that the only reason they enjoy their current standard of living is because of those who served before me in those same uniforms. Thankfully, the last 20 years has seen the pendulum swing the other way and ANZAC services are attended by more people than ever before and understood for their real purpose (i.e. to remember the cruel bloodiness of conflict, and recognise the sacrifices and commitment of generations who have protected [or continue to protect] our way of life and standard of living).
by kimp
I used to like a man in uniform when I was younger -I think it represents authority which with my European background, was perhaps instilled in me!

Nowadays it does nothing for me apart from seeing a policeman behind me in the car -and that is not a nice feeling.

There is however, something "smart" and tidy about men in uniform -they often make the man seem more handsome though don't know why I feel this.
by Finy
I think men in uniform are very attractive. However, I also prefer a guy dressed up in a suit. I still think a suit is probably the best, therefore the naval officer suit is one of the better uniforms.
In with you on that one. A suit or a naval uniform is very becoming on a man.

I don't discriminate :)
Yes I really like a man in uniform.

I love the 'Dress Whites'
I like a man in uniform. I'm not sure why, but I prefer a police officer's uniform to that of others. I think the boots do it for me. I also think men in suits look super attractive. Put on a shirt, suit jacket and a kilt or lava-lava and I myself shall melt like lava. Oh no, I feel myself regressing to the state of a school girl.
by Vee
Absolutely. I think some men look amazing when they are all neatly presented. However, some other men look just as nice in jeans and T-shirts. Depends on the guy really!
I prefer them out of the uniform!!! ;))
Can't say I am, but at the EB Games expo, all the C.O.D cosplayers made me smile... (no idea why, but maybe I do have a thing for men in uniforms...)
Yes! Yes! Yes! My husband is in the defence force and I still get a thrill when I see him in uniform, expecially cams (camoflague). You can't go past a US Navy man in dress whites though. I still melt whenever I watch An Officer and a Gentleman. Who could forget richard Gere coming in at the end of the movie to sweep Debra Winger off her feet in his dashing dress whites!!! SIGH!!!! Pretty well any guy in uniform does it for me (except Navy seaman- they remind me of Donald Duck in those silly uniforms! UGH!!) . Mandy E
I love them in uniform. I like air force, navy and army.They looks very elegant in these dresses.
Even though I am a total pacifist and am pretty anti-military.. I still love a man in uniform :)
Both my husband, & I were in the ARes.

I loved his being in Uniform, no matter which one!

I made sure his Polyester, or White Shirts, as required, were starched, & pressed to the nth degree, to look the part of an Officer, & A Gentleman.

To see him in either Summer or Winter Service Dress, & at times, with his polished Sam Browne Belt & attached gleaming, sparkling Wilkinson Sword, for Parades, was SWOON time, for me!

Even in his JG's, Black Belt with shiny Brass, & Boots GP, polished so you could see your face in them, was good. This was my favourite Uniform to wear.

But the 'piece de resistance' was his Winter Dress Blues. Being 6'2", he just looked SO handsome in those! I, too, liked my Winter Uniform, in beautiful Australian Wool, coloured Bottle Green.

Ah, those were the days, to be able to 'live the dream' of a man in Uniform!
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