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Do you like a bald man or short or long hair on women?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Do you like bald men?

Do you like short or long hair for a woman?

#Bald man
#Short hair
#Long hair
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I think it depends on the person - it's what suits the person
by AJ
I definitely used to like men with hair however as I see more and more bald men, I am finding this quite attractive on the right man!

I far prefer bald to that hair cut where men grew it long and combed it right over so it looked as if they had hair!

Young men like the one in the picture looks nice bald, however I can't help wondering how much nicer he would look with dark hair?
by Finy
It depends.
Not all men look good bald.
As for short hair on women or long...once again all depends.
Can not really answer this question,every face is different.

It is what that person does with the style of hair....Bald men can look super!
it's 'if' that person can carry off the 'look' really.
p.s. This guy Can :)
by jonaja
I agree!
I disagree. He is nice looking but he would be absolutely gorgeous with a full head of hair. The shaved head really detracts from his looks (to me anyway...).
by poppy
I like either but prefer men with hair
by Fran
It depends on the man and the woman.
by Vee
Hahahahah! I just realised he isn't bald in this shot. Can you tell I got distracted?!
by Vee
It's up to the individual. Some men look great bald but it doesn't suit them all. A person has to be able to carry off whatever hairstyle they choose.
I like bald much better than balding - a few of my cousins have completely shaved their heads to get around the balding look, and they look great! It really has taken years off for them. It depends on the person though, and some people look better with hair. As for women, it depends a lot on face shape and type of hair. I like long hair on myself, but that's because it's much easier to manage than shorter hair.
Well I'm 73 and divorced and have met many women who like me being bald, they seem to think it's sexy, As for me, I have no choice, I'm hairless all over
Worst thing about bald men is if they sit in front of you at a Concert, Show etc, various lights around theatre reflect off their shiny dome & into your eyes! I HATE sitting behind bald men & having to see their baldy surface! Right PIA, or head in this case!
It really depends on the person. I don't like bald men at all, but it is up to them how they wear their hair or lack of it.
In a word, no. That comes second in my top three of 'deal-breakers' (fat being the first). Call me shallow but it just does not do it for me. And I like long hair on most women. I have seen some women who look ok with short hair, but they are few & far between. And, if it suits them, a man with long hair is a massive turn-on for me.
No, for me personally, I've never liked looking at bald guys, but it does suit some of them I guess, but I feel sorry of them in winter! My husband is 72 & nearly 3 months, & he only started losing some hair...this year. It's now just getting a few grey streaks in it as well. It's a shame really, because he used to be the only black haired, guy (without hair dye!) on our cruises!
by Miro
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