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Do you like 3D movies?

by Happy Mom (follow)
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3D movies

3D movies are the new fad--the next era in watching movies. 3D can now be experienced at home as well if you have the appropriate technology.

Apparently 3D viewings can also give some people nausea, headaches, and dizziness. What do you think about 3D? Is it all hype? Do you enjoy watching movies in 3D?

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No. They are awkward to watch for those who already wear glasses. It also gives some people headaches.

I find 3D a bit gimmicky anyway. I'm more interested in the plot and the acting than the effects most of the time.
I do ... I really enjoy 3D movies. Whenever we have an option to see a movie in 2D or 3D, we always go for the 3D version. We have even seen 4D movies.
I do ... I really enjoy 3D movies. Whenever we have an option to see a movie in 2D or 3D, we always go for the 3D version. We have even seen 4D movies.
What's that? Isn't the fourth dimension time?
Jennifer, if you would like to know more about 4D, you might like to read my article: http://www.weekendnotes.com/4d-cinema-melbourne/
Yes - I really enjoy 3D but do not always have the funds to watch them. Those are treats for the family enjoyed occasionally!
I have only recently watched a few 3D movies, and I find them to be a bit of a hype, not to mention the higher cost associated to watching these in cinema. What I mean by hype is that there are really only a few moments in the movie when the 3D is significant, but otherwise, it's mostly close to 2D. Anyhow, if I ever get the opportunity to watch Avatar in 3D, I would because I have heard rave reviews about it. It was probably one of the first ones to come out in 3D.
3D movies are interesting for adults, but I have found for small children they are a waste of time because they cannot keep the glasses on and get quite frustrated.
by Lucy
They're good, however the glasses can give you a headache.
I do and........sometimes I don't, it depends on my health.
The experience for me, is not something I could embrace all the time.
Once every 2-3 month's is enough.
Yes I love 3d movie.

Luv em heaps awesome entertainment wish there were more

Yes i love 3D movies
Yes i love 3D movies
I don't like 3D movies because the glasses get in the way of my own prescription glasses!
by Vee
Not really. They make me feel seasick.
by Rice
I have never seen a 3D movie like ever. I would love to though.
I have only ever watched one or two, and found it hard to get used to.
by Finy
I haven't been to too many 3Dmovies, and I don't know if it's worth paying the extra money I guess it depends on what sort of movies they are, when I used to take my son on the school hollidays to the movies he wasn't to know whether thwy were 3Dor not.
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