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Do you let your kids play video games? How much is too much?

by Rich Nicolls (follow)
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Do you let your kids play video games? How much is too much?

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I think everything is fine in moderation. But I would rather see kids out playing footy or in the surf than stuck to a TV screen
That depends on how much TV they are watching as well. I think it needs to be rather 'how much screen time' are they allowed - computer games, tv, internet. They should be allowed an overall amount of time for all of them, and they can decide how the distribute it. It also depends on how old the kids are, and whether it is a school week/day or holidays/weekend.
Not at all. And I will never buy and X-Box or equivalent. They stifle creativity and produce mindless zombies, and I don't need any of those around my place.

What ever you do don't give in.
by jonaja
Playing outside is better for kids, but everything is fine in moderation.
In moderation, I allow them to play video games. About an hour every day.
12 years ago I did.
I have regretted it to this very day!
My son plays way too much, and I am kicking my self.

If somehow a parent says 'no'...life will be far better for the child.

I agree with Bryony, games are great in moderation, but it's overall screen time that should be moderated. When coupled with reading and other educational activities, gaming can tie in wonderfully to help expand a child's horizons. Most issues seem to come from children only playing games and doing nothing else, or allowing kids to play games that are rated 18+.
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