Do you let winter weeds grow or do you spray them?
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I like to pull them out however apparently if they are growing in between bricks they erode the sand eventually and bricks will become uneven.
Although my son is a horticulturalist and tells me all the time that some weeds are pretty, and to leave them, I find I have the urge to pull them all out!
It was totally different when I lived on 5 acres when my llamas loved to eat some of the weeds, as did geese and ducks.
I don't like to spray because I don't want it to hurt our chooks or other birds that visit. The chooks love eating the weeds anyway.
I love being out in my yard,and I tend to pull the weeds out a few each day!! I am not one for using poison at all. I guess I worry about it affecting my beloved dogs! With my climate so wonderful for outdoor activities here in North Qld,I am usually able to do an hour a day out in my yard!! I often even go and pull weeds for my neighbour! She often cooks for me when she is cooking for herself and her 2 young boys,so I feel it is the least I am able to do in return,It is something I actually enjoy,so It is not a chore for me at all!! I am only able to do small amounts at any time though,
I hate weeds.
For those of you who can't use a spray, try the jug with hot boiling water.
Cheaper too.! Just pour down onto the weeds.
Works a treat.
It works, one just has to be very careful walking with a very hot item.
No matter what the age.
I don't have a garden to stay unfortunately!
I like to pull them out, spraying worries me as I have a cat
We don't have a garden at all. We chose to rent a house that has a cemented area for children to play their sports in. I rather like it this way. A few weeds to sprout out once in a while, so I pull them out, or my husband does.
I don't spray the weeds because I like to keep chemical use to an absolute minimum so I pull them out all year round. I find it theraputic. Is that sick, or what?!
I'm weith you there, Vee -I also find it therapeutic!
Haha, that makes me feel much better Finy, thanks!
We don't really have a big problem with winter weeds. And that's hubby's territory anyway!
I think its great to pull weeds if you anly have a small yard. But had a garden that was about 2 hectares. I pulled weeds, sprayed with care. I had wonderful bird and animal life in my garden and dogs and cats that were always in the garden with me. They all lived long healthy lives, dieing of old age.The above example in steps or paving would get worse every season if you didn't spray. With the roots and base of weeds expanding the gaps further each season, making paving uneven and dangerous.
I do a mixture. Like some others who answered this question, I pour boiling water on some weeds, especially when they are wedged in the cracks in cement. I pull out some weeds and yes, it can be therapeutic. Sometimes I leave weeds and at the back of the shed the weeds got poisoned. I blocked the area off so our dog couldn't access the area. I prefer not to use poison but the weeds were out of control there.
Spray away. They grow too quickly and unwieldly otherwise.
I don't ever spray weeds, I just pull them out. If there are many, I just focus on the ones that are already flowering and therefore going to spread soon (plus easier to spot!)
I have never sprayed anything in the garden. Whilst I am physically able, I will pull the weeds by hand. It is part and parcel of gardening so I don't mind doing it. Something that just has to be done. I am against spraying in the garden. We have pets that may accidentally get poisoned by all those chemicals .
I poison the onion weed but tend to pull out what I can after it rains. Makes it a lot easier to do when ground is softer
See a weed , always spray or pull out ASAP.
Roundup or boiling water. I'm with Happy Mom too - in suburbia one can never have too much concrete! LOL
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