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Do you let people merge into your lane when driving?

by Finy (follow)
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Many drivers are impatient and not polite on the road.

Are you a "polite" driver?

Do you allow people to merge particularly when they are coming on to a Freeway?

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Having been taught to drive in Sydney, I think I am a courteous driver.
I mostly let people in who need to merge.

The only exception that really annoys me is when people sneak up in the wrong lane and then try to get in the right one, in order to get ahead quicker -this seems to happen quite a lot particularly when there are roadwork and the signs-arrow are huge and can be seen a lot way before you get to them.
by Finy
Of course... what goes around comes around. Karma dude.
I do when driving in Australia. Was trained as a defensive driver and its all about keeping traffic moving. One let in can save a lot of stress overall. When driving in Asia however I don't let it because it does something else completely different in the traffic and usually contributes to a complete traffic jam including cars, motos, bicycles and anything else that can squeeze in to a small space. In those circumstances keep as close as possible to the bumper bar in front of you for fear of being stuck in traffic literally for hours!!!

I also say thank you when they let me in, but 'they' are very few.

There are a lot of nasty folk out there, and they would run into you....than let you in.
I don't drive, but if I did, would I let them merge into my lane? It depends on how heavy the traffic is, how long I've been waiting, and how much of a hurry I am to get somewhere. In most I would though, because I know how frustrating it is when no one lets you pass.
I do more often than not, I like to think that if I'm being a courteous driver, then others will be too.
Yes of course....I am not an ego-maniac!
by Fran
Again,I do not drive, But my son always does this if it is possible to safely do so. It is a case of doing as he would like to have done to him.....Common Courtesy!!!
Again,I do not drive, But my son always does this if it is possible to safely do so. It is a case of doing as he would like to have done to him.....Common Courtesy!!!
I am a polite driver nine times out of every ten. I can't stand people who are rude on the road!
by Vee
Yes - I always allow people to merge. You have to allow people to merge or traffic would come to a standstill for all those poor cars lining up waiting to merge. It amazes me how people won't allow someone to merge.
by AJ
Yes I do and I always hope that others will do the same for me. Unfortunately not everybody is so accommodating! And I always acknowledge those who do let me in.
I let other cars merge to make it easy on everyone. Road courtesy should be part of school curriculum.
Yes I do because I figure one day I will be wanting to do the same.
Absolutely! If each driver allows one car into their lane, there shouldn't be a problem for anyone. However, I do agree with comment by 'Finy' in cases of roadworks where people deliberately head up the 'closed' lane and then force their way in.

Yes, but it is amazing how confused folk are about the merging rules. I put this down to the rules themselves being confusing in some States. My favourite piece of road safety advice was seen in New Zealand - Merge like a zip!
Check these rules outhttp://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/Home/SafetyAndRules/RoadRules/Transcripts/Merginglanessafely

I tend to let other drivers in all the time, easier to be nice than nasty and karma too
I ALWAYS let other drivers in. It is common courtesy as well as the best road rules. As another member wrote in New Zealand (MERGE LIKE A ZIP)Easy. It's quite amazing here when sometimes people shake their heads at you or give you the fingers when you observe the road rules.
The short answer is yes, I let other drivers merge. On another note, we lived and drove in Bangkok for 5 years, it seemed easier to drive in Bangkok than Adelaide, everyone gives a little common courtesy there.
You're right about Bangkok. The traffic there is chaos but people just seem to go with the flow & show courtesy when needed. It's something that many in Australia could learn a lesson from.
Oh yes i give way al the time ,and also a wave to the other driver as a thank you so letting me merge i .
Yes I do, unless they are driving like an idiot!
I leave a large gap for safety reasons, and some one finds it convenient to change onto that free space.I don't tailgate .

John from Thornlie
Yes, because that's what I'd hope they'd do for me.
by kimp
Of course! It's the law!
yes, one day I may need the courtesy and it gives a good example to young drivers. We all have to deal with traffic so we may as well feel good about doing a favour for someone else rather than being selfish.
Well yes I do, as it is not only safer for me, safer for other drivers near us, it is the law.

First Rule, no matter what, where or how, no matter what licence or vehicle, no matter who you are, or think you are, and no matter what country you are in or where you were taught.

NO 1. Do everything in your power to avoid an accident or situation regardless who is right or wrong.

If this simple rule was followed by every driver everywhere, the question would be mute.

Did you know this rule, and do you follow it?
Aaaah, 'moot'....,
I follow ALL road rules, & actually rules & regulations,
of any kind.

If not, CHAOS ensues!
by donjo
I don't drive, but my husband always lets people in, & they let him into their lane, & yes he does thank them, with a little wave.
by Miro
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