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Do you leave overhead fans and/or air conditioning on when you leave the house?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you leave overhead fans and/or air conditioners on when you leave the house?

#Air conditioner
#Overhead fan
#Hot weather
#Leave house
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I think it is the evaporative air conditioning that should not be left on.

However I dont often go out and leave the air conditioner on (refrigerated) though I do often put it on a timer to turn on 30 minutes before I am due home from work as this makes the house lovely when I walk in.

Overhead fans, I leave on for the dogs and so the house seems to stay a bit cooler.
by Finy
No, never. Seems like a waste of electricity.
Always. It has been well and truly proven up here that the fans push the cooler air conditioned air around the rooms very effectively,and actually mean that you do not have to set the A.C super cold!!! I know that my bills have definitely been less by using the combination of both!
At the weekends I will sometimes leave the aircon on while we are not home. I will do this only if we won't be out of the house for long
by AJ
Yes we have to leave the Air Con on, if a hot day...while out.If we are gone all day, we leave it on extremely low.
A few times we haven't years ago, and you can't stay inside when it's 55deg's and more!
Plus not good for the house to stay that warm all day, every day...
I'm with Jennifer. I think it's a waste. I feel guilty enough if they are on while I am at home, let alone while I am out.
by Vee
No, never. My air con was extremely efficient and cooled the room down within a couple of minutes of being switched on, so I never needed it to be on whilst I was out.
No never, it worries me to leave electricity on, especially air cons....also waste of power
by fran
Never. We have evaporative cooling which requires some doors or windows to be open and we see that as a security risk while we are out. It would worry me too, having electrical appliance running while we are out. What if they caught fire and we weren't there to deal with it.
Oh! Gayle, so you turn off your 'Fridge, Freezer, pre-set Video, or Stove/Oven when you go out? They're electrical appliances. Just sayin'. Cheers!
by donjo
No, never ! I don't have air conditioning anyways. But it seems like a waste of electricity. I never leave the fan ON.
by BK
No, never.
Just two days ago, and big mistake. Found the study floor (only room with aircon) awash as I'd left it on for 24 hours, most of which was taken up with medical appointments for me and hubby, and it leaked. Weeks' old newspapers which I meant to cull in my "spare time" were papier-mache. Saved me a task I suppose.
no, everything is turned off and unplugged ,except the frig. I worry about electrical fires have know of this to happen to others. so it is best to play safe.
I know it's probably dangerous, but if I know I'm going to be out for about an hour, I leave the fans on for the dogs. In my previous fibro house, I would leave it on for several hours for them.

Air-con on a hot day!
Nice to return to cool house after being in the heat outside.
We’ve never had either, as this saves big bucks towards our next holiday! A friend has both, & is often complaining about her high electricity bill.
never leave anything that runs by electricity on when we leave the house only thing left on is the refrigerator, everything else is disconnected. think of all the house fires that are caused by electricity appliances left on and unattended.

No - unnecessary waste of electricity. If you have efficient air-con shouldn't take long to cool down your room. I only turn air-con on for a short period of time and this, combined with ceiling fans, works very well to cool down my home.
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