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Do you know your postie or is it a different one each time?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you know your postie or is it a different person each time?

#Mail delivery
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Gone are the days when I knew my postman!
I used to know him by first name, in fact once my parents called the police as I disappeared when I was about 12.
I had walked with Lenny, the postman on his round!
Nowadays with a person on a bike, they always wear all this clothing - totally covered up, and I wouldnt even know if it is a male or a female, let alone what he or she looks like.

I have said hello on a few occasions but with the helmet they wear, would never know who it was!
by Finy
Hahahahaha!! Classic. I used to go off with the log man on his rounds! Ah, it was a different world.
by Rice
I totally agree with you. With the uniform it is so hard to tell one postie from another.
You remind me that our fruiterer hid my brother behind the crates of fruit on the back of his truck so he could do the rounds with him. It was all good fun, and Mum was in on the trick.
by annfi
Oh we do.. I love our postie.. she is lovely and stops for chats :)
Lucky :-)) My first postie when I moved in here last year just glared at me when I said hello. . . .what a loser.
by Rice
I have been here seven months now and I have seen at least that many posties! Some smile, some say hello and some just ignore me. I went out the other day to take a package from one and he was a lovely Chinese man. We had a lovely chat and he told me that I am on a "dead run" . . . which apparently means it has no designated postie and people get assigned to it randomly. I guess that's what comes from paying millions to the big chief and diddly squat to the actual workers!! I find it quite sad that I have no regular postie.
by Rice
I have seen a man once and a woman once, but apart from those two times I wouldn't know who it is. I can't see faces with the helmet covering, so have no idea who it is. Unless I am outside in the garden, and close enough to work out facial features, I wouldn't have a clue who the postie is. My postie comes around lunch time every day so I am not often home when he or she comes with the mail. It's hard to get to know them if you are not home to meet them. If I am home, I don't go rushing out to the letter box to meet them. With those zippy bikes, they are gone in no time, so you would have to be standing there waiting if you wanted to talk. They deliver and go !!! No time to stop !!!
Yes, I do know him, but just by his appereance, I don't know his name.
I have a picture as a 10 yr old, taken with our Postie! He was a lovely man, had those huge bag's they use to have to carry on one shoulder....Now, no I have no contact with him, and to be honest....you just do not know when they have been.
I don't know how long we've had the same postie for. We hardly ever see him, & he wears a visa with his helmet on his motorbike, so I wouldn't know if he was our usual postman or not!
by Miro
Our postie is possibly a different one each time. As Finy said it is hard to tell behind the uniform. I say G'day if I am around but have no idea of their name.
I see our parcel delivery person more frequently ( yes I am an online shopper) certainly frequently enough to recognise him although as he has to hurry I don't know his name. Over the years I have had some delivery people I have come to know enough for a very quick chat.
He's the same each time. Nice man.
by Vee
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