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Do you know what a telegram was, and do you remember them?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you know what a telegram was, and do you remember them?

Did you ever get one?

#Pre computers
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I sure do remember telegrams!

I remember getting several at my wedding and I think it is the best man who used to read them all out.

I have, in fact, kept one from my wedding from a special pair of people -i might even get it framed as it is rather cute.

In those days we thought this was such good technology!!
Someone was able to send a message through "space" i.e. a machine, and it was delivered to our door.

It was also used to bring bad news during the war years.
by Finy
I have received many telegrams when I was younger and even sent them!! Regarding the Singing Telegrams though....these still can be booked and are so much fun!!! Good Clean Fun!!! I am NOT talking about today's Strip-o-grams,but the real,old fashioned Singing Telegrams which were usually sent to wish Happy Birthday to someone with a song!!!
I not only remember them, but have used them many many times.
I loved them, they always found the person and I even sent one to my husband who was in the Navy, when nothing else would get thru.
It was in code, that only we knew....but he still got it!

Sadly they had more bad news than good, due to the War.
Every womans nightmare to get one.I remember my Mother telling me.
I know what they are but they were long before my time!
by AJ
I certainly know what a telegram is and as part of a history project built and operated a telegram machine but they were not in real use during my lifetime.
I know how important they used to be though.
Yep was a child of the 60's and remember them well...
by fran
They were well before my time but I've seen lots of them. I saw a few in a museum in London today, addressed to Vivien Leigh which was interesting.
I know what they are, but they were well before my time.

I know what they are but they were long gone before I came about.
I know of telegrams, but I've never ever seen one.
Yes I remember Telegrams, they were used for urgent messages to households without telephones (most households did not have phones in the 50's and 60's)
...and they were expensive so you had to keep them really succinct.
I certainly do and did. What are wedding receptions like now that there are no risque telegrams to be read out by the Best Man?
Of course! Yes.
There were many read out at Wedding, as that's what people sent, back in the day!
Yes - I remember my mum telling me about receiving the telegram informing her my airman father had been listed as "missing - presumed killed" during the war. I was 10 days old so I can't imagine the horror she went through as a young widow of 20. She said everyone dreaded the sight of the telegram boy on his bike riding down your street.

I have happier memories of telegrams - they used to be read out by the best man at weddings and I can remember the ones my husband and I received.
Sent them. Received them. Dreaded them. In a way I'm glad they are obsolete. They could certainly be the harbinger of doom.
by Rice
Never used them, before my time — seen them mentioned in a few movies from early last century, and we have a network of 'telegraph poles' (which now carry mainly electricity and HFC tv/internet cables) across australia.
Oh. My. Heavens. You said last century . . . . . and I realised it was! I'm going to hide under my bed now.
by Rice
I remember telegrams and received a few, but not many. I sent one as an answer to one telegram I received but can't recall sending any others.
I was on holiday in Mexico City, with friends, & a Telegram arrived for me!
I as really worried something had happened to my elderly Mum.

But no, it was from Mum to tell me some good news, which she couldn't wait to tell me. I wasn't due home for another week!
I still have my 3 or 4 wedding telegrams, in the front of our wedding (photo) album. We felt very important having them read out at our wedding reception, 47 years,1 month & 4 days ago, as I write this!
by Miro
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