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Do you know how to change a flat tyre?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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flat tyre, car repair, DIY

When it comes to DIY car fixing, are you able to change a flat tyre or oil in your car? If not, where do you go for help?

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I don't know if I would be able to manage, especially since I am not sure where the jack goes. It looks easy enough when you watch the NRMA guy do it, but to actually attempt it, I would have to be pretty desperate.
Sure Do!

Call the N.R.M.A.
Yes, which is lucky because I had one last week. Sadly, I hadn't learned how to operate my new jack, so I had to wait for help.
Yes, but one time I bought a car and had a flat within 3 weeks. I assumed that all the part for changing a wheel would be there only to find that it had nothing. Was not a happy camper!
Something we as drivers should know how to do. This is where the NRMA comes in.
I know how to but get the nrma to come - usually with the nuts mechanically screwed on, I wouldn't be strong enough to undo them anymore...
Do I know how to? Yes. Can I do it? Not with confidence. Today I punctured my car tyre and had to call my brother-in-law and his wife. For shame!
by Vee
Yes & yes.
But now in road Care Club & my mechanic looks after the oil, & everything else to keep my car running tickety-boo!
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