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Do you know how long your longest ever phone call was, and with whom?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you remember how long your longest ever phone call was?

Do you remember who it was with and was it on a landline or mobile?

#Phone call
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I actually do not like the phone and do not willingly make phone calls.

Probably the longest I have been on is many years ago when I lived in Sydney and my fiance lived in Perth and we would spend hours on the phone.

Apart from that probably 1 hour is about my limit and I can't remember who it was to.
I get exhausted having to talk for so long and will find an excuse after about 30 minutes!
by Finy
It was to my husband, before we married and it was me calling him overseas.
3 hours later............what can I say I was in Love :)
I don't know how long my longest phone calls have been but certainly have a couple of girlfriends with whom I have vveerrryyyyyy long phone calls!
A friend of mine who had moved to Edinburgh called me in the middle of the night once and we spoke for 2 hours, just catching up on what we'd been doing. She was performing in the comedy festival and had great stories to tell.

Maximum 1 hr with my friend.
Have had many long phone conversations over the years, couldn't pick one..
by Fran
I can talk for hours and hours on the phone - thankfully these days my phones aren't so bad because of Skype
by AJ
When I was happily in love,many years ago,I would talk for 2 hours or more to my partner,on a regular basis! Pretty silly really,as we wouldd have seen each other only hours before these calls!!! True Love?!!!!
These days I usually chat to my family for between 1 and 2 hours at a time,as they are in Melbourne and I am in Townsville! We do this all the time!
I had my longest phone call with my partner many years ago. It went for hours, but didn't feel long at all!
I am sure my longest phone call was with my husband before we got married. We started off as a long distance relationship and out phone calls could go on and on and on.
2hrs20mins! To my sister!
We can certainly 'talk the leg of an iron pot'!
A high school friend rang, & talked for an hour & 1/2! Luckily I was gardening with 1 hand, & holding the phone with the other hand, while she was talking, so the time wasn't all wasted!
by Miro
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