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Do you know anything about setting up a trust?

by Vee (follow)
Finances (9)      Wealth (7)      Trust Fund (1)     


Do you know anything about setting up a trust fund? If so, do you think they are a good idea?

#Trust Fund
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I used to many years ago, however no longer understand them.
They are VERY complicated however were necessary when I was running my own business for many years.
They used to be a good idea however I no longer know anything about them, and the tax laws.
by Finy
I require a whole lot more money before i think about trust accounts!
Absolutely no idea, I'm sure once you know what you're doing they're not that involved but it's like everything. Until you do it, you never know
I don't know anything about it. I would talk to our accountant if I had any need to set up a trust fund, but I would research it thoroughly beforehand.
No but Himself does and I get sick of hearing him wittering on about it. It seems to me that most people set up trust funds to manipulate their families.
by Rice
LOL! Well, Rice. I have to admit that I would like to have a listen to Himself "wittering on about it". My husband and I would like to set one up in the future.
by Vee
A trustworthy accountant is a good place to start.
by Rice
Thanks Rice. LOL. Perhaps, I am getting ahead of myself. It's something that we would think about doing way, way down the line.
by Vee
I know nothing~ about them.
Not a clue
Great question - as the majority of people wouldn't know the in's and out's of trusts - setting them up or even managing them. AND I'm one of those unfortunately. I would love to find out what the nuances are.
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