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Do you know anyone who has Alzheimer's?

by BK (follow)
Health (523)      Alzheimer's (1)     

hands of an old lady

Alzheimer's can be really tough to live with and equally tough for the partner. Do you know someone who has Alzheimer's?

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I do not know anyone who has Alzheimer's. This question came to my mind when I was watching a video of an elderly man with Alzheimer's buying his wife flowers on Mother's day. His wife thought he was missing and reported to the police. Police tracked him down 2 miles from home walking and he was not ready to return back home until he got flowers. Police helped him pick bouquet and then dropped him back home.
I was so moved by the story and it got me thinking.
by BK
I did but we did not refer to it that way. These illnesses have been around for centuries but they now go by a different name.
by Gia
I do not know anyone with Alzheimer's.
One of my neighbours probably has Alzheimer's. I say probably because his wife went through a whole lot of trouble to get him to have tests and things, but then when she finally got the appointment, he refused to go. So although he has not been officially diagnosed, he very likely does have Alzheimer's.
Yes I do.

I'm scared I will get it!

It hit my very active sister-in-law at 70.
I was lost for words, and she is now fully under the care of her husband.

She is not able to do any of the things she use to do, and we are all sad
it got to her.
That is really sad Jonaj.
by BK
My grandad did before he past away from cancer and it was very tough on all involved
I am so sorry Kit. Cancer can be really tough. I lost my Uncle like that.
by BK
My best friend's father has it, and he has gotten it in his early 60's and it is slowly taken its toll. It is a cruel disease, and I'm saddened by it's impact.
Thankfully I don't know anyone with this condition. I hope a cure could be found for it one day.
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