Do you know any people who have had cancer?
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Yes by the time anyone gets to my age, I think everyone would know someone who has had cancer.
I know several people who have had various types, including myself however many of us survived which is great!
Treatments available now are so much better than in my parents days when people who got cancer generally always died.
Yes.Far too many including a beautiful lass who never went in the sun and was diagnosed at 16 with Melanoma.She went into 2 decent remissions, the second one long enough to go with her dad to meet all her relatives in Germany.This was such a gift for all concerned. She passed away just before her 20th birthday.Her twin brothers were friends of my sons and they were only 10 at the time. I have also lost several extremely close friends to various forms of this disease,as well as knowing many more survivors. I support a charity which helps YOUNG scientists with their research into not just one type of cancer. I only learned about it earlier this year. It is called the Cure Cancer Australia Foundation.
I am glad that you used the term had in that they have beaten it.
I used the power of prayer that I know definitely worked.
Conventional medicine plus alternative medicines were also recruited for the task
The decision was based on a thought that if I was bogged in the bush I would accept help from any brand of 4x4 to get a tow.
Stubborn arrogance was also added to the mix.
When in the clinic waiting for radiation I simply refused to sit down believing that only sick people needed to sit down.
Never took a day off of work and called upon the angels every day.
God made himself known to me at a very personal level.
As bad as it was during the period the experience has made me a stronger and better person.
2 of my best girlfriends.
One came thru really well.
The other is really 8 years along....not the best.
I have seen a great deal of people in my life have to fight this
dreadful problem.
Yes I do - I think everyone knows people who have or have had cancer. It's a terrible illness
Yes. I have lost a very close Uncle with cancer. My sister in law's mother has cancer right now.
I know so many people who have or have had cancer that I've lost count. Most have survived though not all.
I know of a few only, thank goodness now the treatments are so much more humane eg drugs to stop the dreadful reactions to chemo and radiotherapy apparently
I know two people who have had it in the past, so far they are ok, and I know of one person that has it at the moment.
I know many people who have or have had cancer.
Yes.. I know too many people who have been affected by it.
yes, three of my close musical friends have died in the last two years, all from breast cancer as it turns out.
A woman from my church has had treatment all this year for melanoma type cancer, and she's doing well so far.
Yes. One uncle has terminal cancer. One aunt had breast cancer last year and has recently finished treatment. One friend is receiving treatment for a brain tumour. It seems to be a matter of when not if you get it :(
I've known several persons who have battled with cancer. Some were mere acquaintances while others were family members.
Sadly, too many people. I think the media have done an interesting job with terminal diseases like cancer, by assisting in promoting the charities who seek to address cancer related issues. One of the byproducts of this is that people are now ok about admitting that they have cancer - it is no longer seen as something that is peculiar to them, but rather it is seen as something which sadly impacts them and their families.
Yes. Too many unfortunately. Some fighting it now and others who have fought and lost or won (so far).
Yes. Me! I had Bowel Cancer - T3 N1.'m at the 5 year mark..yeh.great Surgeon,plastic surgeon,Oncologist,radiotherapy oncologist all at Mercy Private,great nurses,stff at the breast Clinic in East Melbourne. It's been a hard couple of years,waiting to see if you'll survive the treatment and waiting for the results from the Annual Mammogram and Ultrasounds.
It's agrey cloud over your head,but at least we are aware.
Please all you ladies,and men. Heck your Breasts,at least Monthly.catch the Cancer early to give yourselves a won't want to go through the ordeal if just check Your Breasts.
I have had friends diagnosed,and seen young mothers die,leaving their sickened with grief husbands and children not aware of what has happened,sad mothers,fathers,brothers and sisters.
Cancer is now a fact of life,it affects the young and old. Trust the Drs and Nurses,use the support network for Breast Cancer,and donate if you can to assist the Researchers find new Treatments. Be strong and be there if you have someone with Cancer,give them a gift,a few caring words on a card.all these things lift the spirits and give us love and support to get through the months and years.Bestrong and have inner faith in yourself,if you are going through Treatment at the moment.
annet -Im sorry you have had to go through this -I also had it however I did not need chemo as was lucky that I went regularly to a GOOD radiography clinic and not the free ones, which I do not like.
This guy picked it up extremely early so i did not have the problems you did but it is still a cloud as you say....
but we made it -got past the 5 years!! good on us both!
Yes, my Mother, her Father, two of my Aunts & a very dear, close friend.
They're no longer with me.
Several family members had/have cancer. Mum lost a breast to it but died from other causes at age 94 and that was long before support groups were available, withdrawing and doing it on her own. However it made her a stronger person. I also lost 2 close girlfriends to it and a couple of friends and relatives recently diagnosed with it.
Lots. Most are still alive though.
1 of my grandfather's died of cancer in 1913, & 1 of his 2 sons, (my father) died from it in May '77, his sister died from it, in Feb '78. One of my 2 sisters had breast cancer, a few years ago, but is very well now. My mother-in-law's mother died of breast cancer about 1978, &1 of 2 brother-in-laws died from it about 12 years ago.
And now in '17, a friends husband has cancer.
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