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Do you keep your blinds or curtains open?

by Dilara (follow)
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Do you prefer having you blinds/curtains open during the day for more natural light or do you like having them closed?

#Interio rdecor
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Definitely open, I can't stand dark rooms and prefer to let the fresh air in - unless it's winter!
I close the blinds and curtains in the evening for privacy, and open them in the morning. I despise the curtains being drawn and love the natural light, especially in Winter.
This depends on how many people are around and where the sun is. I love having the blinds in my home open, but I don't want people staring into my home, nor do I want to be blinded by the sun. I usually have them partially closed in the afternoon as the sun comes right in the windows.
I have had to buy white silk like curtains, that people can not see in, we are on street level.I love having them open, but people look in all the time.

So we get a great deal of light and of course that well needed privacy.
Sticky beaks are always walking past...lol.
Open during day time of course. Natural light has the ability to make a room look more alive!
I have them open during the day, but close them once the sun goes down.
by Vee
I have double blinds in my bedroom so in the day you can see through them but no one can see in.
However, as per one of my questions, one night i forgot to close the heavy blinds!

I get natural light with this system, and in the other areas where no one can look in, I have single blinds which are great as I open them to let the sun in in winter, and leave closed to keep the heat out in summer.
by Finy
I open the blinds every day and close when the sun goes down. It's pretty private here anyway except for the dining room bay window.
Never the 3 bedroom curtains, but sometimes the middle 1 of 3 of the living room ones.The people 3 doors down can see in, if we leave them open, as there house is on higher block than we are, even though our house is like a 2 story except it’s not!,
Open. I simply cannot stand rooms being dark, it feels like a morgue! Himself's mother never opened her curtains and it was just awful. Even in the nursing home she will fight to close the curtains . . . sad, as the view is very nice from her window.
by Rice
I like them closed, I like my privacy.I have roller shutters on my windows so, I do have curtains, and they do let the light in.
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