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Do you keep wrapping paper given to you on presents?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you save wrapping paper given to you on presents, to re-use?

#Wrapping paper
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I do sometimes depending how much I like it.
I used to wholesale/import wrapping paper and still have some left but tend not to use my favourite few!
I do not like cheap wrapping paper, but I also do not keep it for a whole year if it is Christmas but only use it for that season.

So, my answer would be - I sometimes keep it.
by Finy
Sometimes . . if it has survived the unwrapping. Some people put enough sticky tape on to choke a horse and then the paper is ruined. Cheap paper is not good for keeping, it goes brittle and discoloured very quickly.Years ago I got some that was so lovely that I had it framed.
by Rice
what a good idea Rice -to frame it -I just look at it every now and then! We used to have the most beautiful paper we imported from Italy and other places.
by Finy
Wow. Italian paper . . . I bet that was nice.
by Rice
I sometimes keep wrapping paper. It depends on whether it is ripped or not. I remove sticky tape by placing a sheet of paper over the top and ironing it carefully with a warm iron so the tape loses its grip and then I can peel it off. I save paper more from an environmental motive than a saving money one.
Some of it I reuse for wrapping, some my kids use for crafts and some just gets thrown out.
To me....it is as bad as using part of a toilet roll....The wallpaper had all this glue-backing on it, and was thick and ugly.
Who wants a gift with power-glue all over it, not me. :(
by jonaja
Glue getting on the gift is not cool, but I recyclying is. I have wrapped things in stuff like cereal boxes decorated by my kids.
that's nice, esp with the children's artistic touch. :)
by jonaja
No I don't ever save paper.

I like to always use new paper, that will not look used or have a crease.
I have had people wrap gifts to me, in even ''wallpaper''.
I do take offense, one can even use 'tissue paper' at 20 a sheet.But 'wallpaper'?

Wow! :(
Newspaper's worse :((
by Rice
Really? I wouldn't take offense at that at all. I think it's kind of ingenious, and it's the thought that counts.
Newspaper is bad too....it's like a -care-less-factor-from the giver', isn't it.
I take a lot of care and love when wrapping, it can make or break a gift too.
by jonaja
. . . but newspaper gets all over your hands :((
by Rice
Oh! Rice..........there're 3 things I absolutely HATE getting on my hands......
Newspaper ink, shoe polish, & fat/grease of any description!
Had to wear rubber gloves for the 2nd one in Army, as boots had to be polished morn, & night!
by donjo
I better pull my boot straps up now....had no idea donjo!! love it. :)
by jonaja
I don't save wrapping paper. We used to as children and though
by AJ
I use some on my card-making and other art projects, some for re-use (on gifts for others) and anything else goes into the recycling bin.
In the past, yes. Don't now. Have all used up!
I have received items from ebay sellers overseas which has been wrapped in the most stunning pieces of Japanese paper,tied with string,so there was no sticky tape ruination!!I definitely keep my beautiful papers such as those!! Having done a huge amount of craft including intricate decoupage and card making involving collage,I have often kept the nicer papers which gifts and other items have been wrapped in!! I have a rather gorgeous collection,and I know when I do re-use it for actually wrapping special gifts,the recipient has always made lovely comments about the paper which they will then keep in turn!! I don't bother with the cheap brittle Christmas paper which comes in rolls though as it just does not stay fresh-looking! The high-quality papers are so good that the tape used on them just peels off beautifully if you are careful! I've never taken offense when I am given a gift in paper which has already had a life before reaching me.It is always a thrill to receive a gift,no matter how it is wrapped!
Sometimes. I didn't this year at Christmas. Some of it was too ripped, but for the rest, where would I put it all? There was so much !!! I have a gift wrap box but it is mainly for pretty wrapping paper from birthday gifts, which isn't so enthusiastically torn to shreds. All our Christmas paper went into the recycling bin this year.
used to keep it, only keep some nowadays, and is so cheap to buy in rolls.

I’ve always tried to wrap my presents in paper & ribbon, without using sticky tape. A lot of people only use sticky tape with no ribbon. We have an old large toy box full of wrapping papers!
If I manage to unwrap the gift without damaging the paper, I do. I use it to line my drawers with and for the gifts my grandchildren give me which have been wrapped in paper they painted at preschool, I definitely save them on the fridge for a while then pack away in my paper boxes
I sometimes do if I like the design or quality. I don't regift with it but use it in collages or give it to my granddaughters for craft.. They like cutting individual images out (good scissors practice).
I don't save wrapping paper but have a huge bagful of gift bags!
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