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Do you keep to traditional recipes for Christmas or do you like to try out new ones?

by Vee (follow)
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Do you keep to traditional recipes for Christmas or do you like to try out new ones?

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New recipes every year, with the exception of our chocolate xmas tree which we do the same every year. Oh look, here's the recipe :P

That looks awesome. ;)
by Vee
I don't do any fancy cooking for Christmas, my daughter-in-law now does it all. :)
That's lucky. I've got my mother-in-law doing lunch. I'm making some cakes and biscuits. Organising and preparing lunch can be hard work.
by Vee
your telling me!
by jonaja
I keep it the same every year. Last year I tried a different gingerbread recipe and it turned out so soft, my gingerbread house collapsed! Never again! Same trifle, biscuits, ham glaze etc
Oh no, lol. That's always a tricky thing too. I mean, you want it to turn out. I always make the same cakes.
by Vee
Yes! It was awful, though my fast thinking son, put a wooden sleigh in the top so it looked like Santa had crashed into the roof lol. Problem solved!
LOL! What a clever idea!
by Vee
We do whatever we fancy that particular year! No hard and fast rules, just think what would be a treat and have that. I do have to have mince pies though, those are a given every year and my husband always bakes a Christmas cake.
I always like to try out new recipes however I am making the same for the same friend this year for Christmas.....

As it is so traditional, it is the only time I do not experiment though I am trying a new beetroot salad and doing a potato salad that a friend who I have known over 60 years, told me her father used to make.

So I will try one new one this year. Plus also making my best ever, chocolate mousse with sponge fingers...
by Finy
For Christmas, we really tend to stick to traditional recipes.
I make the brandy/rum hard every year, & most times a truffle recipe I make up my self. Also the beetroot salad with sour cream & chopped mint, & now I also make a marshmallow salad 1 can eat with the 1st course or as a dessert. This is a recipe from the 70’s! when I used to make a Christmas cake, it was always the same recipe, as well as the Christmas pudding 1.
A marshmallow salad? Sounds interesting.
by Vee
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