Do you keep a torch near your bed at night?
Do you keep a torch next to your bed at night in case of blackout, or any other reason?
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Yes I do - I guess in case of a blackout as it makes me feel safe having this!
I think I have used it once in this house however had many blackouts when living in the country so it got more use then.
AND it is one of those you wind up and it does not have batteries that go flat just when you need them.
Yes. It's always a good idea. Besides, our son insists they always be close by. He loves playing with them.
No I do not. I do keep the blinds partially open for some light to flow in the room. It does seem really dark when I turn off all the lights but in next 5 minutes, my eyes adjust to that darkness level and I can easily see the door and things on my side table.
But, I have never thought about a blackout. May be I should actually have a torch next to me !
No I don't. I have a light on my bedside table. The only reason I would need to get out of bed would be to go to the toilet and I can fumble around enough to get there if there was a black out. When I wake up, it is light so have no reason to need a torch to help me see to go anywhere . Even if there is a blackout during the day, the sun will light my way. At night, I can see well enough to get around if needed
I keep my mobile, as it has a good light on it.
It is a brilliant idea to always have a torch or mobile, as you just never know.
I do. I have never used it but the other half is anal about torches in case of blackouts. He has about a dozen stashed all over the place and in his car. He put one in my car too. He should have been a boy scout.
Also in my car's front console, & in the boot.
I keep a small LED torch under the spare pillows on my bed but rarely use it as I find my way around in the dark with no problem. I sonetimes use it to work out whether the cat wants to come inside through the locked back or front doors as its difficult to spot her in the dark outside.
I do actually have one by my bed,but I had not really even thought about it until seeing this question! It is just something which I have always done!! Like Finy,I have one of the marvellous Battery-free ones which you simply wind up to charge!! I also have one which I simply SHAKE to charge,This is even easier for me as I have such dreadful arthritis!! When I first discovered these types of torches,I bought two for the kids of the people I worked for,as they are always going camping! Apparently,both of them have kept these by their own beds when at home!!
Yes I do. I also just acquired a brand new energy efficient one.
No I always forget. I keep it in the lounge room. I guess I only go to bed to sleep so why would I need to see if the power is turned off
Yep but ours is one of wind up varieties with a handle crank to charge its LED lights up. No batteries to continue buying!
I keep a torch next to my bed (wind up style) and a battery powered one on a shelf in the lounge room. We have blackouts occasionally, especially when it is really hot in summer. Then the street lights go out too and it is quite dark outside unless there is a full moon.
No I don't keep a torch by my bed but we keep 1 in the car, to get us up the 14 steps in case we arrive home from somewhere, in the dark. And we have a big 1 in the lounge room, to look at the owls in the trees when they used to come around, but they don't seem to anymore.
I do but more for the job of a) writing down dreams as I have a lot of interesting ones and have gotten story ideas and craft projects from them and b) like now, each morning I get up around 6am to go out for the home delivered newspaper and during winter I need a torch for that.
Yes. I have rarely needed it.
Yes I have a small military styled high powered model for protection.Should anyone illegally get into my bedroom one blast from this torch and you trust me that the intruder can't see for at least 2/4 minutes.Giving me time to decide the best way on how to use my baseball bat. Mickyboy
Yes I do - I always have. I think it is essential. There are many reasons why you should. Make sure you two torches I do.
No, I use a bedside lamp. We keep our touches in the living room, so we can take them out with us & leave them in the car, in case we come home from somewhere in the dark & we use them to shine light on the 13 uneven stone stairs to the front door.
Sorry, I forgot to check to see if I'd already answered this question!
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