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Do you keep a brush in your sink for washing dishes?

by Vee (follow)
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Image by pippalou, morguefile.com

Do you keep a brush in your sink for washing dishes?

#Dish Washing
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I use both a brush and a double-sided scourer. At year five camp, I was horrified when all we were given to wash up were brushes. To this day, I won't use the brush alone. It must be used in tandem with a sponge. It's so great to remove the stubborn stuff!
by Vee
Hopefully some poor kid doesn't show up at your door dressed as a scrub brush for Halloween! Ha ha.
by Polly
If this happened, it would be great if the kid came with a 'sponge' friend.
by Vee
We have a brush next to the sink for getting into those hard to reach corners, but otherwise we use a sponge.
Yes, I always have a brush and I am lost without one. I also have to have my Gottschalk scourer.
by Rice
No. We don't use a brush. We use a sponge that is half sponge and half scourer so it cleans most things. My arm can stretch a long way too, down the base of most things, even my really tall vase !!! I get into every nook and cranny. We have all non- stick cookware, so we don't need to scrub and scrub anything. I think those brushes are pretty abrasive, so I don't want them ruining anything of mine. If I am at my friends house and I do the dishes for her, out goes the brush, and I use a sponge/scourer combination sponge, like mine, that she has in her cupboard.
No. We use a sponge/scourer.
No i dont.
I have a little stubby one, and it is hung just on a hook above my dish-sponge.
Could not give it up, but do not use it for heavy wash up's....that is where my 'magic-sponge' is used, as no food is able to stick to it.With a brush, that is a big problem.....so it won't get used for that reason alone.
I keep a few brushes under my sink. A bottle brush, long handled scrubber and a my favourite, a stubby scrubber. I use a yellow micro cloth for washing up and only turn to brushes or a scourer if things are stubborn.
Yes, along with a 'scrunge', & a cloth.

I like to 'rinse-off' items before they go into d/w.
Cloth I use to wipe down sink.
I do have one but it's rarely used due to the types of coatings on my pans.
No I don't need a brush - I use Enjo products
by Finy
I didn't realise how versatile they are. You seem to use them for a range of different chores.
by Vee
I am very have given up on sponges that cost about $1 and you have to throw them away weekly (that's over $50 per year!.)

I order handmade crocheted washable dish clothes off Etsy once a year for about $16. I same money and it helps the disabled. Oh yeah, and I also use an old toothbrush.
I like this idea Polly. What are they made of?
by Vee
100 percent cotton yarn. Here is a link to the lady I buy them from.

by Polly
Thanks, I will check them out. ;-)
by Vee
Umm not sure about these, they look like they could gather a lot of bacteria over time, that's just my opinion :(
by jonaja
Our youngest daughter does at her place, but I keep mine under the sink standing up in an old vase.
by Miro
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