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Do you identify as a feminist?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
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women power, fist symbol, feminist symbol, feminism

A feminist is someone who believes that women should have the same rights as men. In her book Feminism is for Everybody, Bell Hooks defined feminism as "a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression". Some people do not identify as feminist or are even actively anti-feminist.

Do you identify as a feminist? Why, or why not?

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Yes, I do, for so many reasons. I am a feminist because every day all around the world women and girls suffer and die because of sexism and misogyny, because there is still a gender pay gap, because when a woman is raped she is often blamed for it instead of her rapist, because women who display leadership qualities are described as "bossy", because women are pressured to dress and behave in ways that please men rather than themselves, because there are young girls who see themselves as worthless because they have "lost" their virginity, because of double standards regarding clothing with girls and women being told to cover up more than men, implying that there is something inherently shameful about our bodies, because birth rape happens, because there are obstetricians who consider it okay to talk in front of women whose post birth tear they are repairing about putting an extra stitch in "for her husband" and doctors who think it's acceptable to practice pelvic exams on non consenting unconscious female patients, because Eliot Rodger murdered six innocent people because he couldn't persuade any women to have sex with him and afterwards people actually defended him, because nearly three hundred Nigerian girls were kidnapped and sold for having the temerity to want an education... I am a feminist for all of these reasons and so many more.

Sometimes I feel powerless to do anything about all the injustices I see perpetrated against half of the human race, but I try when and where I can to make some sort of small difference.
Why do more people not feel the way you do?
by filli
Absolutely with you on all of that Jennifer. Well said! Sometimes I wonder if the young women of today actually understand what the older generation of women fought long & hard for. And if they understand about just these issues? Even trying to get equal pay was a s...fight & now it's going backwards at a screaming rate. Gains have been insidiously undermined & reduced "back into the kitchen" :(
by helya
I'm a feminist in that I believe in equality between men and women, but I don't actually take an active part in anything.
No. I thought I was but I believe that males and females are different; I freely submit to my husband; he is head of household. It is very freeing knowing what my position is and we have a loving and very committed marriage
by Gia
Why do you believe that men and women (or all male and female animals) are different? Is that a religious belief, or do you base it on something else?
I base that on my belief in the bible
by Gia
I agree
by jonaja
Okay. Personally I don't see my view that men and women are equal as incompatible with knowing my position (as an equal member of our household) and having a loving and committed marriage.
by silvi
Yup I am. I think there might be differences in women and men, but that doesn't mean both shouldn't be accorded equal privileges and rights. There is a gross imbalance in accorded privilege in our society. I think when feminist issues come up a lot of people think stuff like oh but women are equal now they have the right to work and vote etc. The issue of privilege seems to get swept under the rug.
I am neither a feminist or an anti-feminist. I am an individualist and I prefer to avoid sweeping generalisations wherever possible. I do think every person is created equal regardless of gender, but I also think that some roles are better suited to certain individuals and others to others.
Same rights, different responsibilities. I am a feminist.
I think of myself as a feminist, and bell hooks is a real inspiration. I try to take an active approach by raising awareness of issues concerning equality and discrimination, even if it's just between family and friends.

by Vee
I absolutely identify as a feminist! Women who don't identify as feminists are either masochists or they're been misled by "modern culture" about the true meaning and purpose of feminism.

Great article!
I think of myself as a feminist, and bell hooks is a real inspiration. I try to take an active approach by raising awareness of issues concerning equality and discrimination, even if it's just between family and friends.

by Vee
All people should have equal human rights, regardless of gender, race or beliefs. If that makes me a femenist, so be it.
We should get the same pay for the same work and things of that nature but we are different.
by Gia
That's a straw man argument. Feminists don't argue that men and women aren't different. Obviously there are some physical differences.
I consider my self a feminist. Since having a child I have been amazed that most mothers I encounter to me seem to be deeply sexist with regards to there children. And by extension to my child. They seem to train them from 0 that females are different/less than males. Makes me mad all the time
Sometimes it's entirely appropriate to get mad. Just not act on it in inappropriate ways. Go girl.
by helya
I don't know what I am any more. During the 60s and 70s and 80s I was always encountering strife because I was considered a "women's liberation freak". I went on strike many times for equal pay and equal rights inter alia.
I am now 69 and wish I had never bothered. These days young girls/women seem to throw themselves at men, cater to all the fancies men have in all manner of things. It makes me sick and it makes me regret anything I ever did. Young women these days think that they have it made……….well they haven't. They are just slave material. Greasers.
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