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Do you host a Christmas party for friends?

by Lydia C. Lee (follow)

I decided we needed to have a Christmas party, on a whim. The invitations went out, and a number of people have commented that it is their first invite to a Christmas party (that isn't a work or organisation gathering) or that they'd been complaining that no one had parties anymore.

I had assumed it was just us, but it appears the Christmas party has become a thing of more commercial proportions.

Do you host a Christmas party? Or have you been invited to any that are not a work or group function?

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Wow I had the same thought, no one does have them much now...unless work.

Well I fall into that sad story too, and no I haven't had a Christmas party in about 35 years!

I have only been invited to work related party's.

Make's you wonder? 'why' people are no longer having them, one thing I guess we should keep in mind, people are very busy these days.

They are also stressed to the max.

Maybe, it also could be a money thing.People are now buying high end gifts.
They want to keep their funds for those expensive gifts, iPod's...ipads and the like.
Gone are the days of a pair of sox's for Dad or a new toaster for Mum.
The kids want the ipads ect.
So that could very well be the reason on reflection.
It just doesn't seem to happen anymore. I think part of it seems to be that we have become more of a solitary people. Most of my friends groan when they hear that they have a function that they have to attend, whether it be work related or not. Personally, I love people, but I'm not a fan of gatherings. I would prefer to hang out with 1 to 5 people at a time.
I love cooking & I love hosting! My grandparents had a Christmas party every year at their place as long as I can remember. Then My parents took on the tradition and hosted a big party every year. Now we are doing it.Every year we invite family and friends and have a big bash at home. We love it.
No, I find this time of year a bit overwhelming so I didn't want to have to do extra work. Maybe we'll host parties for friends once the kids are older.
exactly, I feel the same way :)
by jonaja
Too busy a time of year. Just keep it to family, and then deal with a party for friends in the new year.
Yes, but it's usually a fairly laid back event out at a casual restaurant with Kris Kringle gifts!
Not recently. Nobody hosts these parties anymore these days, I think. So Christmas is just about family.
NO, I’ve never have hosted a Christmas party nor haven’t been to work parties, except the centre I worked at for 22 years as a volunteer, had a lovely Christmas lunch for the volunteers each year. I also go out for a Christmas lunch with friends.
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