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Do you hold your breath when someone sneezes around you?

by dwatk (follow)
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Do you hold your breath after someone sneezes in close proximity to you?

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Yes, and I often put my hand over my nose and mouth too. As a teenager, I contracted a very rare and serious form of glandular fever, which left me bedridden for a year and seriously ill ever since. It is only spread through close proximity with someone else and no-one I knew had the illness, so the doctors concluded that I must have caught it from someone sneezing on the street as I walked past them or on the bus or similar. It's left me paranoid about what else I might catch.
OMG! all that from one person, that is totally off the planet.
by jonaja
Yes I do hold my breath...and I move away very quickly.

Sneezing is just as in the picture, it all comes from the mouth
NOT the nose.

I just move away from them.
by Vee
I certainly hold my breath and move away whenever someone sneezes around me. I caught the flu like that when I was in college. Someone that was sitting beside me sneezed, I accidentally inhaled it. Immediately I started feeling the effects of it.
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