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Do you hide spare keys outside your home?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: En.wikipedia.org

Do you have spare keys to your house hidden outside?

#Spare key
#Hide keys
#Keys hidden
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I have one key only which will not get me into my house as I need two keys!

However I have keys with my neighbours who are often home. And I have used them once in two years -another time my door would not open and had to phone a locksmith -an expensive thing!
by Finy
I far prefer to leave a key with my neighbour who I trust completely,than to hide one somewhere..I have never hidden my keys in all my life!!
No. I worry that someone will see me hide them or will find them. I leave a key with my sister and one with my parents. Plus my partner has his own set of keys.
Used to keep house keys spare set in plastic jar hidden in garden. No longer at that house. Don't do that at new house.
No way. What if I forget where I've left them?! Or worse, what if somebody else finds them?!
by Vee
well, Vee you are supposed to HIDE them!
by Finy
I know, but what if somebody sees me hide them?! No thank you, LOL.
by Vee
Yes I have a key buried in the garden in a jar!!
by Fran
Oh Yesss!

I even have spare car keys ect ect....

Spare and more spare.
No I don't. I just try my best to ensure that I don't look myself out or other members of my family have keys. I won't feel comfortable having a spare key on the outside when I'm not there. I rather to give it to a neighbor while I'm out.
I don"t and I couldn't even if I wanted to because I live in an apartment block.
by AJ
No. I have the kind of lock that has to be locked with a key so could never lock myself out. And my husband always has a set if I ever lose one when I'm out.

Did I tell you I hate typing on mobile phones. Idea for a new question? WHERE do you hide your spare keys? Lol.
by grann
We use too, until we changed our front door, now i keep asking to have another set made up, it hide 'in the garden', but we haven't done so as yet. I guess we've had the 'new' timber door for about 5/6 years now. So I now try & remember to take my set of front door keys whenever we go out, just in case my husband looses his house keys, which are on his keyring with his car key.
by Miro
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