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Do you have your own gym equipment?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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treadmill, exercise, gym
Image from http://www.morguefile.com

Do you own your own gym equipment or have a home gym? If so, how often do you use it? Do you prefer it to having to go to the gym?

If you don't, would you like to have a gym or equipment?

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Top Answers
No, I don't go to the gym or have gym equipment. I prefer to run outdoors. I suppose a treadmill would be handy for rainy days but I don't really have room or the budget for one.
No and sadly No.
I have a gym ball and a rebounder (a firmer version of a trampoline) though I currently have no idea where either of those are..... possibly in storage! I have them for therapeutic purposes rather than gym exercise. I've never been in a gym but judging from the deafening music pumping out as I walk past them, I would not be happy inside one!
I wish I had room for a full gym. I do have a few smalloeces of equipment, but nothing you would find in a gym.
Yes, I have some dumbbells, a yoga mat, and a chin-up bar. But I don't have any big pieces of equipment due to the lack of space.

My partner and I work out everyday, using these items, so it works well for us.
We have an exercise bike. I think I used it just the other year, LOL!
by Vee
Good one, Vee! I, too, had an exercise bicycle, but I got bored with it after awhile, so sold it!
by donjo
No and I wouldnt want it either.
by Finy
No. No, No & No, to all 4 questions.
by Miro
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