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Do you have your house checked annually for white ants?

by Finy (follow)
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White ants (2)      Termites (1)      White ant check (1)     

Photo: en.wikipedia.org

White ants or termites can be very destructive.

Do you have a professional check each year to make sure you do not have white ants?

#White ants
#White ant check
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I am very strict on this.
while living in the country one day my son said "what happened there Mum" and pointed to the ceiling. To my horror it was almost disintegrated -we had a beautiful pine ceiling in huge ranch style house.

It was white ants and in a week they had also gone to another area.

Luckily we had a barrier round the house and a contract so it only cost us to fix the actual timber and not to get rid of the white ants.

When I bought my city house I immediately had the firm from the country come down and instal the same system -quite unlikely to get them here but "once bitten, twice shy".

Every year they come and check thoroughly and spray for spiders.

Well worth the money I have spent after seeing how quickly white ants can destroy something.
by Finy
I live in a strata complex and our Managers have this in hand, we have an inspection periodically
by Fran
No we don't but probably should. It's one of those jobs I try not to think about - silly, I know.
It hasn't yet been a year since I bought it, and it was checked before we did, but that is a very good idea.
I haven't but I should do. My parents recently had an infestation and it was expensive to fix.
No, never, but I assuming it is more of an issue in Australia than it is in the UK.
Maybe I would if I had a house! LOL.
by Vee
by Finy
We have a mobile home, so the use of wood is very small.
I think I will anyway have a check done soon,

You can never be too sure.I hate termites!!
No I never have but I am renting so it's not something I think about
by AJ
No, as our house is mostly a brick house, with only the surroundings of the house being treated timber standing on metal stilts, in an old sandstone quarry.
by Miro
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