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Do you have trouble getting out of your warm bed in winter?

by Finy (follow)
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Doi you have trouble getting up out of bed in winter?

Do you stay in bed longer in winter?

#Getting up
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Yes, I do -hate getting up in winter though occasionally I get up early if I have woken hours before.

It is very difficult to get out of a warm, snuggly bed, and into the cold and having to undress and then get dressed!
by Finy
Definitely. To be honest I'm not great at getting out of bed at any time of year.
Sometimes it can be hard to get out of bed. Especially on sports days when I'd rather just stay in bed a little longer than get up to brave a cold football field.
So much so... although this morning I was up at 3am so we could go to Brissy for the day. I LOVE my warm bed.
That would be a resounding yes.
I have trouble getting of bed full stop.
by Vee
It's not so much the cold which affects me,but the arthritic disease I have suffered with since my teens,,and which was why I came to live up north in 1980!!! I get up at 6 each day,though while it is a bit cooler here I often will go back to read a book while snuggling up with my darling dogs on my bed!!
Yes it's awful, I stumble, bent over, shivering until I hit my warm slippers and dressing gown... And oh but how cold the toilet seat is....!
by Fran
hhahaha -mine isnt -you need a new one!
by Finy
Yes If it is very cold and rainy
Yes! Every morning
by AJ
Yes definitely. the trick is to warm the room slightly before needing to get up I think. And those heating light lamps in the bathroom are a must. Just not fun otherwise. Can't wait for the warmer months already.
Definitely! But if I've planned something exciting, I wouldn't mind the cold as much.

Well,I must add to my previous reply on this one!!! This morning,despite beling in gthe tropics,it was just under 7 degrees when I had to get up at 6 am!! And it was AWFUL!!!! I had even been up at about 4 to find some almost long-lost woolly-warm bed socks which I put on immediately,then climbed back into my warm bed for the further 2 hours!! I would have been lost without them,when I did get up!! I know that many people keep their medication on their bedside table with a glass of water so they do not have to get out of bed to take their early dose,but I have always deliberately made sure that I HAVE to get up and MOVE to get mine!!! It would be so very easy to stay in bed and just not have to move,but this is the worst thing I could possibly do with my particular condition!!! I immersed my poor hands in warm water for about 10 minutes,before brewing a lovely fresh pot of vanilla tea to enjoy. Oh YES!!! I DID HAVE A HARDER TIME THIS MORNING THAN I USUALLY DO,THANKS TO THE LOWER TEMPERATURE!! I am wearing more layers this morning that I can remember even owning! Ha ha ha ha!!!!! I am now sitting with a dog snuggled on either side and the lap top warming my legs,but only for another half an hour when I shall go out into the gorgeous sunshine which shall then warm me right through!!! Bless the tropical winter sun!!!!
Yes but I keep my socks and sweater near the bed and wear them straight away.
Aaah! Love sleeping-in, no matter the season!

Am now making-up for 45 years' of having to get up early to go to work, & on one shift, that meant 4:30am rise! Standing at a cold platform for 5:55am train, to get me to work for 7:00am start, was still dark in Winter! Shiver!
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