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Do you have tidy neighbours or do they leave their yard or verge untidy?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you have tidy neighbours or do they, or YOU, leave your yard or verge untidy?

#Untidy yard
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My nieghbours are all very tidy and in fact one lot who are ini their 80's spend half their time in the garden, so there is never any rubbish lying on the verge and it is beautifully kept with no rubbish or untidy bits.

by Finy
All our neighbours are very tiny. We don’t have a lawn/verge, & we don’t have a backyard as such. Well there is a cloths line, but the rest of our land is trees & bush, up the back of the house.
tiny are they? bahhahahahah

by jonaja
Just pulling your leg, and being naughty :) I am a shocker I know xx
by jonaja
Our neighbours are very tidy
by AJ
It is different on each side. One of our neighbours just has brick and concrete, which needs no upkeep. Not attractive, but neat. On the otherside we have a rented maisonette , with people living on both the ground an first floor. The woman who 'owns' the front and back garden does absolutely nothing to it, so it is in a complete mess.
I am blessed, everyone has lovely tidy places.
Plus me :)
Ops, Jonaja, Of cause...it should have been a 'd' not a 'n'! I know I've made many other mistakes in my replies!!!
by Miro
I live in a very tidy little area,and each of my neighbours are careful to keep their blocks and the adjoining council frontage nice and neat.My neighbour across the road even does mine for me as I am unable to take care of it with my arthritis.
We all get along exceedingly well,and live happily in the same street,with no silly arguments at all!! No wonder I am so content with my life!
A neighbour across the road from us sadly has no idea about keeping his front garden tidy.
He spoils the tone of the neighbourhood and has an attitude that makes him unapproachable.
It seems that there are always at least one in every neighbourhood.
The big question is WHY is that so?
Especially when there is no justification for being like that.

Well, Farley, try disinterest & laziness! There're many people like this, unfortunately. Is it a rented property? If so, renters are required to keep their property in a clean, well-kempt condition. So you could check with Rental Board.

If private house, check with Local Council. They may be able to assist. Cheers!
by donjo
Yes sad that people cannot be proud and keep their gardens tidy, certainly the front garden, as they say first impressions say a lot.

by farle
Farley, It's now March 2018. how's that 'neighbour from hell', across the road? Has he died yet, or been moved into a nursing home?!
by Miro
I keep my yard & verge spic & span!

One neighbour couldn't care less. Local newspaper of five weeks' worth, lying on driveway. Backyard is a jungle! Front yard & verge needs cutting!

Other neighbour's yard just ok.
Aw, come on Donjo - you do not.
by fran.
Aw, fran, do too! AND it costs a gazillion! Lol!
by donjo
We are exceedingly blessed. All neighbours are tidy except for the young ones a few doors down the street who have been renovating for months. Thankfully their mess is hidden by a concrete fence so guess once they have finished they will pick their act up.
I have fairly good neighbours. Most of us share a gardener for the harder tasks.
by Gia
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