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Do you have supper each night before you go to bed?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you have supper at night after your evening meal, and do you also have afternoon tea?

#Afternoon tea
#Coffee and cake
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My parents used to have supper at 8.30 pm every night.

I do not as I have dessert most nights.

I DO have afternoon tea however EVERY afternoon and look forwar dto my coffee and cake..
by Finy
No I don't, would be the size of a house if I did. I hve nibbles and a glass of wine before my dinner, then dinner (thankfully I don't crave sweets). Every now and then I buy a small bar of chocolate to have after my dinner, tonight I am looking forward to a chocolate mint bar...(I guess this means I DO crave sweets!!
by fran
I don't have supper or morning tea.
For me that's a bad eating habit....if at home.

If in hospital it is different.

Or at work, you need morning and afternoon tea away from the job, even if you just have a bottle of water and a apple.
P.S. jonaj is now vuroz
by jonaja
welcome vuroz jonaj-hard to get used to a new name after all this time-your eating habits are SO good compared to mine!
by Finy
Thanks Finy.
I have too watch what I eat, because I have been on the big side all my life.Too many years of drinking gallons of milk.! lol
by jonaja
No - I never have anything before I go to bed
by AJ
No supper for me but I do have a snack in the afternoon when my son is eating his tea.
My grandparents always had supper every night, as well as starting every day with a full cooked breakfast. And yet they were both a good weight for their heights and very healthy. I guess their metabolisms were better adjusted or they did more exercise than people do these days!
Nope. We have dinner, and sometimes dessert, but that's it.
I donlt have supper but I'm a woeful snacker and even thugh I know I am tired and not hungry I still open that pantry door and the rest is history.
im exactly the same and I get so angry at myself but keep doing it! With me it is probably boredom....
by Finy
No I am not into having Supper 'per se'. I may sometimes feel like having a piece of fruit or a chocolate,but never a proper supper as in a mini meal,like afternoon tea!!!
Not usually. If I do, it's a 'cuppa' with a biscuit. Don't have Breakfast, MT, Lunch or AT, at home.
If out shopping, will have MT, Lunch or AT, if timing suits.

Dinner is my main eating time, & that could range from a Roast w/ Veggies & gravy, to a Delivery of either Chinese, Vietnamese, or Italian.
Do have a simple LL chops & Salad, or cold meat & salad.
I eat sparingly, & enjoy simplicity of small portions nowadays.
I don't 'drink' as such, but enjoy a glass of wine, preferably a good Aussie robust red, with my Dinner.
I've never been a smoker.

As at 28-8-2013, I was 125kgs. Two days' ago, I weighed 92kgs, & have dropped 6" from my waist. So my meal regimen, & miles of walking have paid off.
I was NOT dieting per se, but rather a combo of a few stressful situations which brought about the weight loss. Now that it's happened, I'll just keep going!
And the majority of the stress has gone, as I retired two years' early!
We have our dinner, then 1 square of chocolate each. If it’s a Lindt square, we’ll share it.
Yes & we do always have afternoon tea, either with 1/2 a thick slice of raisin toast each, a biscuit or a crumpet with jam on it.
by Miro
We used to, but as we got older there was no desire to want to eat later (Supper).
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