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Do you have reading lights on your bedside table or attached to the wall?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you have lights on the bedside table or are your reading lights attached to the wall?

#Reading lights
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I always have lights attached to the wall as I find this far more convenient than sitting on the bedside table taking up room.

That way there are also no electric cords which I have enough of anyway.
by Finy
Bedside table. I would prefer lights attached to the walls - no cords means no accidents.
by Vee
I have a small white lamp that we just bought, on our bedside table.
by BK
I have a small lamp on my bedside table but I very rarely use it - if I'm reading I prefer to have the room well lit! Actually, if I'm doing pretty much anything, I prefer to have the room well lit....
Not on the wall and I only have soft lamps onn either side of the bed. HOWEVER if I want to read I have another powerful light I get out of the cupboard (not one to read in bed much to go to sleep) go straight off usually.
by fran
I have a lovely lamp on my bedside table,and I love to read by it each evening! It is very well used as I am a very avid reader,and always have been!
I have a lamp by my bed.
by AJ
I have one on my bedside table.
We have traditional lamps on the bedside tables.
Neither. Have floor double lamp. Works well for backlighting tv screen. Reading & using ITablet. Got THE perfect 'art deco' one I wanted at Bunnings, of all places! And at a price that suited me well!
I love the light in the ceiling their small but powerful also have dimmer switch put in have had bedside lights long ago take too much room and it leaves room for my book clock and digital radio which is lovely to wake up too Fazee
I have a lamp clipped to the tall book shelf which is next to my bed. It is angled so the light shines on my book as I read in bed.
I have just re-vamped my bedroom art deco style, and I have a beautiful pair of art deco wall lights which look fabulous. I also have bedside lamps for bedtime reading purposes.
We have both depending if we are both reading or one wants to go to sleep!
Am going to buy a bed-side table lamp, next week at Bunnings!
Need it to have ITablet backlit, also enjoy book-reading, in bed.
Have looked at their website, & have seen a beautiful, square, tall touch-lamp, white, so that's the one I'll get.........if in stock, hopefully!
I have a pedestal light with daylight globe for reading in bed.
We have bedside lights.
by Miro
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