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Do you have private health cover?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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private health insurance, private health cover

If you have private health cover, who is your provider? Are you happy with their services? Do you think they provide good cover for the money you pay?

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No. It is pretty expensive and is something we can fit in the budget! :(
Yes, we do. Our health insurance is with CUA. We pay just over $200 per month and the only thing we use it for at the moment is for prescription glasses. For us, it is more peace of mind that if anything did go wrong, we can get the best care, fast. It is a lot of money though.
No. Living in Melbourne it was too expensive. I have not needed it since moving to Sydney.
I have Private health insurance. It is very expensive, but it does give me peace of mind just in case something goes wrong.

I am with medibank private- they are ok. I make good use of their extras :)
Back in 1972
I had HCF
Since then I haven't had 'any' private cover, can not afford it.No I don't think really they are all that crash hot.
We have extras cover, but not the full hospital cover. We're young and healthy so it isn't needed yet. I'm pretty happy with extras cover because it means that we can visit chiropractors, have alternative therapies and visit the dentist and optometrist without any worries and these are things which will enhance our health.
I'm with Bupa because of my family, but I will have to consider what is best for me soon. Ambulances are very expensive ($750), so I feel that the cost is justified because if an accident were to occur, you've already paid and don't have to worry about where that sum will come from.
Yes we do.
Yes. As I get older I just might need it. Yes it is expensive, but out of pocket would be horrendous otherwise
No, we are not, although we do pay for ambulance cover.
Our experience has been that for very serious illness, where we live,the public hospital has been wonderful. I was taken by ambulance to public health, as the hospital dealt with my illness, the private hospital did not. The gap in private is huge and although we are told you have your choice of surgeon, how so? unless you are dealing with him on a very frequent basis, you'll most probably have someone quite unfamiliar. My brother in private needed to wait until morning rounds to see him urgently, public - the oncall dr. would see me at midnight..... And why??? - I believe the private health is subsides by govt. to the tune of $2 billion..... (the amount may not be absolutely correct), but if it went into public health we'd have less waiting times etc., and walking into a hospital - well, we may not have to wind our way through quite so many BMWs and Audis.... - yes, I'm cynical.

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