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Do you have personalised number plates?

by Vee (follow)
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personalised registration plates
Image by Gertjan R. Sourced from Wikimedia Commons.

The recently screened television ads for personalised number plates are brilliant – both funny and effective. Having said that, I haven’t rushed out to buy myself any. Honestly, I can’t justify the cost and would rather spend the money on chocolate.

Do you have personalised registration plates? Why or why not?

#Personalised Registration Plates
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Personalised number plates are a waste of money. What is the point of spend hundred on a few letters and numbers when it could be spent on something of actual use?
I don't. Like you Vee I think it would be fun, but just can't justify the cost. Plus, the best plates are already taken!
Good point, Rachael!
by Vee
No I don't never have.
Just can't afford such a bit of fun :)
I used to have LLAMA2 however when I moved back to the city I surrendered these plates and got ordinary ones.

The only thing with that is that people can probably trace you in some cases through the name, and I had to be careful not to annoy drivers as I was the only one in that town that bred llamas!!

The cost did not bother me as it was a lifetime thing and I looked on it as I would have the same plates forever when I got them.

I got them as I thought it was a fun thing to have!
by Finy
Maddness. That's cool, Finy.
by Vee
Nope. Waste of money in my opinion.
I don't but think it'd be a bit of fun. Just costs a bit too much for my budget!
I with most of you - can't justify the cost, unless it was for business or something tax deductible.
by kimp
Not interested, don't WANT or need to be recognised, Can't drive around in peace if people know where you are or where you've been LOL. Some of my friends have personalised number plates and it is instantly noticed. Mind you, it is fun to try and work out some of the obscure ones and then I wonder why they did it?
All good points, though I hate it when people try to be too creative and nobody can make sense of the plates, lol.
by Vee
No, just too frivolous for me with my current car.

BUT, if, & that's a big if, I bought a NEW car, would definitely buy them!

Love the ones' friends of mine have got (business leased, so it costs them very little)....

Their daughters' work in business as well, so they have.....
BMW4(then their shortened first name(s).
It just cracks me up every time I see them!
That's so cute!
by Vee
Perhaps cool is the word I should have used.
by Vee
Donjo, I was also using the GIN word, because it's my fav' evening drink!
by Miro
In NSW 1 pays for the plate, then pays every year as well! In Vic, 1 only has to pay once, so there’s a lot more personal plates on cars down there! If we ever move down their to be closer to our Melbourne family, I had thought of having JINGIN, which is the start of our 2 granddaughters names!
Ever since these No plates.1st came out, I’ve been writing them down in the front of all my diaries, as I see them, out on the roads.Crazy!
You must have an interesting collection!
BTW, there's a township called Gin-Gin in Qld. And you'd need to be sure it doesn't 'race' offend, before you paid for it. In this totally stupid PC world, you may not be allowed to use those words! Go figure!
by donjo
Both my husband and I have plates with our initials and similar numbers on the plates. We don't pay an annual fee because we obtained them long before the revenue making scheme came in.
Lucky buggers! LOL.
by Vee
I think they are about as classy as stick figures on car rear windows. Kitsch
Oh! fran, don't start me on THOSE stick figures!
WHY would you 'advertise' to the world your family's information?
Totally dumb, & stupid nowadays, with so many drugged out nut jobs getting around!
Record I've seen is 14 adorning an up-market 4WD vehicle!

by donjo
No and I wouldn't want them. I think they just make you a target for nutters.
by Rice
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