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Do you have out of pocket expenses when seeing your local doctor?

by Finy (follow)
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Doctor visit (2)      GP (1)      Medicare (1)      Family doctor (1)     

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When you see your family GP, do you pay any out of pocket expense or is the visit totally covered by Medicare?

#Doctor visit
#Family doctor
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I am extremely lucky in this.

I followed my doctor when he changed jobs and although they do not generally bulk bill, he still does this for me, for which I am very appreciative.

It is a very expensive surgery and is open 7 days a week and I would be paying a lot out of pocket if he was not so helpful!
by Finy
Thankfully, no. Let's hope it stays that way.
by Vee
I have a brilliantly empathetic medical team,with not only my gp,but also my specialists bulk billing me.They have done this for as long as I can remember. I would be extremely broke as well as sick otherwise!!!
Our Doctors are Totally covered by Medicare, Australia is wonderful for that .
I tell my family all the time....because in other countries life is not so good.

No, we're very lucky though. Our local GP doesn't bulk bill lots of people, but we have a young family so they do. Families and people with health care cards are bulk billed.
Luckily, my GP still bulk bills.
Yes I am out of pocket but I can claim most back on health insurance
by AJ
I've used many GPs who don't bulk bill, but have found one I LOVE who bulk bills us because we have a health care card. Which is luck because the children have both needed to go a few times in the last few months.
No my Dr bulk bills
by Fran
by kimp
Our local GP does not charge for children or folk who are not in work, including my daughter who is a stay-at -home home schooling Mum.
Yes, about $32!!
bulkbilled covered by medicare.

I do think that doctors use this bulkbilling too much, as we do not have to pay, we do not care how many times we visit the Doctor.
many times it is not necessary ..
Gosh Flaga, I have to be absolutely on my last legs to go to the doctor and my husband and daughter are the same. You have to be very lonely to go to a doctor all the time if it isn't absolutely necessary.
by fran.
I phrased my answer badly what I meant was that some Doctors who use bulk billing have a patient come back to see them when not needed , ie blood tests they have you came back to get the results when you go in to see doctor after waiting an hour to an hour and a half in a germ laden waiting room to find out that nothing is wrong, all good. all done in about 5 mins. then bulk billed for a visit which was not needed. years ago the Doctors office would phone if a visit was needed. I could give other examples of doctors abusing the system of bulk billing . ( note, not all doctors are like this, and the Doctor I now go to does not abuse the system, in any way )
as I said the doctor will have you attend as he knows that you will possibly not object as it will be bulk billed.
by flaga
We pay a small gap at our drs., but thankfully, we dont have to visit on a too frequent basis.
I'd rather we were bulk blled, but our last dr. who did is too far away now that we've moved address.
I do have a friend who will not pay anything, anywhere towards her medical needs, but cant resist yet another pair of shoes, even if they cost the earth. Different priorities than me. But,I do question dr. if we think we're being referred on for some test that we dont think is absolutely necessary, because that does make the cost of health here high.
GP visit $80. Lousy Medicare Rebate $35.10.
So yes, well & truly out of pocket!

We should, like used to be able, claim difference on Private Health Insurance.

I need to find a Bulk Billing Medical Centre, as can no longer afford such high cost.
No. My GP bulk bills so I don't have to pay anything. If I did, I would think twice about going to the Dr.

My local GP, who is excellent, bulk bills me.
We go to a medical centre, so no, we're never out of pocket, but I'd like to find a female Dr in the next suburb to where we live.
by Miro
My GP is great and the medical centre bulk bills and it's always full of patients. They also provide various specialist services which are also bulk billed.
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