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Do you have only one kind of coat-hanger or lots of different kinds?

by Vee (follow)
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Do you have only one kind of coat-hanger or lots of different kinds?

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Never wire. Never those damned velvety things that grab the clothes as you are trying to hang them. I use the thick plastic ones or padded ones. I find the thick plastic ones the most versatile as they are strong enough to hold jeans and trousers, they don't make nasty shapes in the shoulders, you can hang skirts, shirts, scarves and outfits too, as they are strong enough to hold both pieces i.e blouse and skirt/jacket and skirt/pants and blouse etc.
by Rice
lol. the velvety ones are my favourite. I love that things don't fall off !
The ones he brought home must be cheap cr@pol@ because they just fight me the whole time to get anything on them!! HAHAHA.
by Rice
I have 99% the one kind.
I use very thick white plastic ones.

I would never have a wire one in my home ever, unless we go back to 1969 when they were a great t.v. Ariel!

I also have two of my dear late Mother's hangers she made for me, and they are used to 'keep' difficult clothes on a hanger, and are made in very pale-wool....and I love them soooo much!
As well as the tv aerial . . . we always kept just one for getting into the car when the keys got locked in!! LOL. They are marvellously handy, are they not?
by Rice
Oh yes!!
I forgot that one Rice~
by jonaja
Its not something I give much thought to. I just buy whatever works
I mostly have padded ones, but I still have some plastic ones. I have some skirt hangers as well. The padded ones are great for keeping clothes on the hanger, and for helping to keep the shape of the item of clothing. I don't like wire ones, or cheap plastic ones which tend to break.
I mostly make use of the plastic ones that both Rice and jonaj have mentioned. I have to admit that I have some wire ones that I use when I am desperate or hanging clothes on the line. I have some trouser/skirt hangers too, but I don't have the room to hang all my pants/skirts/dresses, so I tend to fold my jeans.
by Vee
No, my cloths have never been marked by the beaded coat hangers. I use 1 of them for my winter dressing gown, & the other for a winter coat that I take to Melbourne when we visit down there.
by Miro
All of mine are velvety ones. Love that things do not slide off AND they take up a lot less space than the plastic type.
There is a combination in my wardrobe. I don't know how it happened .. one day there was neat order with lovely wooden hangers, then suddenly an explosion of colour has found its way in. One of life's greatest mysteries.
Oh no. The Teletubbies are back. . . !
by Rice
I have several different ones, I like certain ones for my tops to hang, especially when I hang them to dry, I'm not keen on the wire ones.
I have padded ones for extra special tops, thin velvet type for most others as the padded ones take up so much room and this counteract this, a few wide/curved ones for padded jackets, skirt hangers for skirts and some trousers and heavily coated wire hangers especially to hang on clothes line so my clotbes have no shoulder marks on them.
I too have a bit of a mixture but mostly the velvety ones as they do take up less room, I am a bit careful to try not to leave shoulder stretchy marks on some of the clothes.Bigger painted/plain wooden ones for coats and jackets and wooden skirt and pant hangers too.No wire hangers not even for laundry.
I'm trying to get rid of my awful wire hangers, & just use white plastic ones, or ones covered in material, or the wire ones covered in white plastic. I use about 30 black plastic ones on the clothesline, which stay out there, blue plastic ones for the blue/white bathroom, & pink ones for my brown, cream & orange (late 70's) ensuite!!! My 2 favourite ones were from 1 of my sisters who gave me 2 wire hangers, covered with beautiful plastic beads. No she didn't make them her self, but she bought them from a shop. I don't need to hang up slacks, & tops, as I have those folded in some chest-a drawers for our next cruise. I just wear cotton dresses at home & when I leave the house for the day. I hand these on the back of my bedroom door, so they don't get crushed in the cupboard!
by Miro
Those bead-covered wire coat hangers are lovely! I don't know if they'd leave clothes marked, though. ?
by Vee
We use mixed coat hangers. As long as they do their job I am not fussed.
That is one of my pet bugs - I have to have the same hangers, round the same way, and colour co-ordinated!
by Finy
I can't afford to be so picky - though I would love to be able to. We inherited a bunch of odd-coloured ones. >.<
by Vee
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