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Do you have morning and/or afternoon tea daily?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you have morning and/or afternoon tea on most days?

#Morning tea
#Afternoon tea
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I do not have morning tea though very occasionally I will have a cup of tea or coffee if I am out.

I do however always have afternoon tea which used to consist of coffee and cake or coffee and biscuits.

However since getting a high cholesterol and blood sugar reading, I have cut out the cake and have not baked for about a month now.

I find it hard to have absolutely nothing with my 2 pm coffee (and at work they all laugh that it has to be at 2 pm always!) so I have one small biscuit or something sweet but nowhere near the amount I used to have. Boring!!!
by Finy
You are so right. Boring. Needs must, I suppose . . if we want to look after our blood pressure etc :((
by Rice
Oh Dear! I adore cake,chocolate,bikkies,etc,and most sweet stuff if truth be told! Though I can easily go without,I do like to know that it is here in my house when I crave it! By the same token I also adore olives,pickles,and salty or savoury treats as well! I am fairly easy to please,as long as the item is not one I am allergic to!
by Jules
Finy . . that is a chocolate bourbon biscuit!!!!!!!!!! I have been hankering for one for ages. It's a sign. I have to get to an English shop and buy some. Of course, I will only be able to have one with a cup of tea due to the diabetes. I don't have cake (not a lover) or biscits in the house at all due to my sweet tooth. In lieu of treats, I just drink more tea, so I really don't have "morning" or "afternoon" tea. Sad really, as it is so English to do this and mother always made teacakes. *sigh*
by Rice
well, it is sad that we are both sweet tooths and cannot now eat sweets for one reason or another-assume you are type 2 though and not 1?? I dont even like tea..
by Finy
Yes, type two and I only take a small dose of medication and have for four years now. Lucky to have had no reason to increase. Hence, I have to be good with bad foods :(
by Rice
Yes...Only Herbal...morning and afternoon.

not Tea with milk and sugar.
Haven't drunk that since the early 1960"s.
no jonaj - i meant with food as well!
by Finy
No not with food.
by jonaja
I will have and enjoy several cups of tea each day,but do not often need to have anything to eat with these. I am a grazer I guess with my food,and prefer several small 'meals' instead of 3 bigger ones,so the food and the tea doesn't always work out to be at the same time My first food each day is at around 0 a.m. rather than when I get up at 6 every day for my medication.I always have a decent drink of water at this time,and the first cuppa much later,all by itself! Apparently this is good for the metabolism.Maybe this is the truth as I am very lucky to not have blood pressure,high cholesterol or blood sugar issues.I have so many other rare things going on,that I accept the 'good' gifts for what they are! I love my leaf tea and enjoy it at any time of day
10(TEN) a.m. not ZERO!!! My key for the ONE is still playing up!!!
by Jules
Bash that key, sister! Give it what for!! I keep poking the caps lock instead of the "A" . . grrr.
by Rice
Yep I like a cuppa in the afternoon, and sometimes I manage to get a mid morning one as well. Occasionally I have a biscuit or something with it.
I just eat when I'm hungry or feel like it! Doesn't matter if it's morning or afternoon! :)
I do not have morning tea at all. I do however have a hot drink for afternoon tea around 3pm. I don't usually have anything to eat with it, but if hungry I have a piece of fruit or a muesli bar. If I am out, I might share a slice or a cake, if whoever I am out with wants one. I am a sweet tooth but if I had a cake or a biscuit every day, I would become overweight. I only eat if I feel like it and try to show some resistance to the sweets.
Only if I happen to be at a Westfield.
Then I'll really enjoy a 'Muggachino', & maybe, a HCT toasted sandwich. I'm not a great cake-eater, at all.
I find I don't have the capacity to drink either morning or afternoon teas when I have breakfast. When I was working I sometimes had one or the other with a small biscuit or cake if I had them in my drawer but usually because I hadn't had breakfast. When my grandmother was alive, it was expected that all family would arrive for morning and afternoon teas and she baked in her kerosene stove (no mod cons for her) to provide date and pumpkin scones, date loaf and apple pie. When I think back I'm surprised we didn't put on the weight at that time.
I do have morning and afternoon tea - just the tea and nothing like cakes and biscuits with it though. I actually have tea couple of times a day. Morning it would be english breakfast tea, then while I work couple of green teas and towards evening a english breakfast tea again! A tea lover for sure :-)
Afternoon Tea and i love it English Breakfast,or Irish afternoon tea..
No. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are enough for me.
by Vee
I usually only drink water until about noon as I am never really ready for food until then. I have a small brunch, but not usually afternoon tea, unless I'm out with friends. We have been known to indulge ourselves with coffee and cake.
Since I skip breakfast, I do morning tea everyday. On weekends I call them brunch ;)
We always have coffee after our breakfast, with a slice of toast, & a cup of tea with a biscuit for afternoon tea, before dinner.
by Miro
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