Do you have heating in your bathroom or is it freezing in there?

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Bathrooms can be very cold.
Do you have some sort of heating in your bathroom, or do you just "brave the cold"?
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I obviously do NOT -refer to the shower question!
I keep thinking I should get a small heater, but then think I have done without for about 10 years, why get one now.
It is not even a matter of money, but I do not understand why I suddenly feel the cold so much -could be as I am thin and lost weight this last year.....
Thats the answer, with the loss of body weight,
your just very cold in body temp.
I always thought it was a myth that bigger people dont feel the heat but someone said they have more fat which keeps you warm -still not sure if that is medically correct, but feel the cold something dreadful this year.
I just have one of those Tastic heated lights in the ceiling. I have the shower SO hot that it pretty much warms up the room in no time :)
me too Tracie, but it is still painful getting out and room is freezing! I guess it depends where you live -we had about 2°C again this morning
We used to have a heater in our bathroom but we took it out. It's not too bad - that's what hot showers are for!
I brave it.
But I am in the mind that one can warm it just in a few minutes with a little fan heater, before getting undressed, once in that is sweet :)
If I have had a really bad nights sleep, I leave it to wake me up, snap me into the real world :) lol.
No. It's not really needed in Sydney, and given the whole climate change thing, I can deal with a hot shower instead of hot tiles...
No! I do not need it!!! However,I know that my son in Melbourne definitely does,He is very safety conscious,being a chef,so it is a very safe system which he has bought!
Oh! Heavens above! I DO love North Qld!!!
I have a heat lamp. At this time of year it goes on straight after a shower to make getting dressed a little more comfortable.
you have a new picture sarah!
I do - this time with straight hair!
Mine is freezing but as soon as I have had shower, put dressing gown back on open whilst I do other ablutions!! Funny the things you share.....!
No I don't have one and I wish I did. I used to have one in previous houses that I lived in
No we don't. Might look into it as the weather gets even colder. It's our first winter in this town and it's colder here than where we used to live. There's not a whole lot of room in the bathroom for a heater though and we've never had one before.
You can get an overhead one. An electrician might be able to use the light connection in your bathroom to install a light/heater combo. If you have solar panels I wouldn't feel too guilty about installing something like this.
We have heating in the bathroom in form of heat lights. they are great. Turning them on a few minutes before taking a shower can warm up the bathroom for when you get out of the shower. But in the past, I didn't have them, and braved the cold.
We have heating lights in the bathroom and they are absolutely great! I dread the thought of coming out of the shower without the heating light on during winter, specially in the mornings.
I dont have heating but have a big window that gets the morning sun and its a tiny bathroom so the steam heats it up enough to comfortably shower and get try. I do love those heating lights though and would def have one if the room was bigger... a bath last thing at night in winter before snuggling into bed is just heaven (and reduces the need for an early morning freezing shower)
No heating, nice hot water shower, followed by vigorous towelling off and run to the bedroom to get dressed. No heating encourages you to move faster, good for the metabolism, the circulation and your lungs!
I have an overhead light/heater combo which is still not sufficient heat for me. I hate the cold. One has to be very careful with heaters in the bathroom. When I was a student, oneof my fellow students was electrocuted when a bar heater she had on the side of the bath fell in. What a waste of a young life!
A small fan heater for 15 minutes per day.
I have a heater light, not that I can tell the difference!
It's freezing I our bathroom as we have a window that won't shut properly! Our little fan heater doesn't do much to heat up the room! Bbbbrrrrrrr!
I brave the cold, but I take really hot showers. We have a small heater in the bathroom, but it takes time until it heats the room and I am always in a hurry.
Heating is a must in bathroom I just love the heat coming down on you from the ceiling mounted heating system.Doing your bathroom chore with overhead heating
is such a bliss.
no i brave the cold. its freezing but it makes for a quick dry and dress :)
No no such luxury in my bathroom, just put my dressing gown on asap after drying myself (too much info maybe ha ha)
We have heat lights and it is a small bathroom so it warms up so quickly. It is very comfortable.
Used to in my beautiful former home, but now, no. But didn't miss it last Winter. I wonder if this year will be colder?
nope and it gets bloody cold
We have a 2 bar wall heater in the bathroom, for my husband, & a smaller 2 bar wall heater in the en-suite, for myself. It's so lovely & warm & makes getting out of the shower a lot easier!
I don't. Don't need it and wouldn't want one. No matter how cold it is, I immediately wipe down theglass and tiles in the showercand get rid of the wwater on the floor before stepping out to wipe down. Yes, occasionally it can be a little nippy but I much prefer this to the heat. Our house is pretty well insulated so most times it's just a dress and light cardigan inside. If I need to go to the shopping centres, it's a light top and trousers because I can't stand the heat in these places. I do have a couple of skivvies I wear if going somewhere I know will be really cold. And you're right Finy - the more fat you have covering you, the less you feel the cold.
No heating and I always finish my shower off with a blast of cold water. That gets the circulation going!
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