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Do you have fruit cake at Christmas, and if so, do you make your own or buy one?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Do you have fruit cake or pudding for Christmas?

Do you make your own or buy it?

#Fruit cake
#Christmas pudding
#Home made
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I usually make a fruit cake as the recipe I have is so easy -just mix a few things, add some milk and bake it -one of the easiest recipes for cake as you do not even need a Mixmaster/blender.

As I am on my own I usually have to freeze most of it so maybe this year I will not make one. I haven't yet decided.
by Finy
I'm lucky that my Dad (who is now in his 80s) makes us a Christmas fruit cake every year. In fact, he makes several every year for the family. He tends to use a different recipe every year and they are always really good.
I am by myself so rarely make my cake now. But I always had gorgeous homew made fruit cake in the past. Now when I buy one, I like the ones which are all fruit and nuts and hardly any cake!!! Yum!!! Expensive,but very,very good!!!
My mother has always made Christmas fruit cake every year. The shop bought ones aren't that nice
by AJ
My husband bakes a Christmas Cake every year, to his grandmother's recipe. I'm told it's delicious but I'm not a fan of fruit cake so I don't eat it myself - I prefer stolen.
I don't like Christmas Pudding either. Mince pies on the other hand...... yummy!
I love stollen too! My hubby doesn't so I get them all to myself. Aldi have packets of mini stollens in their stores this year. They're delicous.
Oooh thank you for the tip :)
'Stollen ist sehr gut'!
by donjo
My Mum makes a great fruit cake. I must try making one myself one of these days. For Christmas I like to having pudding, but we buy it.
I make my own. I LOVE fruit cake :D

Been there and done that...no I don't make my own, there are some beautiful ones around to buy and I like that luxury at this stage of my life.
by fran
I have never even tried to make my own C-Cake or Pudding.
In that area, I am lazy!
I have always though that was for far better cooks, than I am.
I am normally given them, and they end up being the 'cheaper ones' so we don't eat them.
Not really keen on the ones with hardly any fruit.
I have also had some that were home made, and didn't like them at all.

I think I will buy one this year, but one that is in the pic.....it looks wonderful! :) yummy lots of fruit.
do you want a really easy recipe using just choc or coffee flavoured milk and fruit?
by Finy
I would love one!
I don't have an oven....but would love to make it one day at my daughter-in-laws place :)
by jonaja
Oh! jonaj, if you have access to a Microwave Oven, there's an excellent Fruit Cake Recipe for it, which I used for about 25 years! VERY moist! Heaps of Dried Fruit, marinated overnight. It's just THE best! Cheers!
by donjo
Really! wow now that is pretty good, using a microwave! :)
by jonaja
Yes, & it only takes 45 minutes' to cook on 30% Power!
It's yummy, & just sooooo moist!
I HATE 'dry' fruit cakes! Yuck!
by donjo
I don't like fruit cake, but I have a few relatives who like to make one at Christmas

Fruitcake is not something I wish to subject myself to.
by Vee
Used to make a very moist M/W fruit cake, but no-one to enjoy it now. Just buy a small, good quality one nowadays.
My mother and sister were the bakers in our family - definitely not me! I buy a small Christmas cake every year as it is only for guests. I do find it hard in Brisbane to get a Christmas cake with a marzipan layer covered by icing. That is the usual type of Christmas cake in the UK but not here. Aldi occasionally has it and that's when I make a beeline down there.
Gee, you sure seem to miss living in the UK. Why did you come here, then?
by donjo
A stupid and ignorant comment - what else would I expect from you donjo!
by norma
Not at all!
You're constantly 'whingeing' on this site, that things/life isn't as good here, as the UK.
Gets a tad tiresome, & very, very boring, because the 'remedy' is such an easy one!

by donjo
Your bigotry is showing (and some)!!
by norma
I always make my own fruit cake and during the year as well. When we were younger my grandmother, mum and aunt used to spend a whole day making fruit cakes and puddings for Christmas and I know I couldn't make a pudding as great as theirs were.
I'm afraid I used to buy them. We only have Xmas pudding for Christmas, so I'd buy a Christmas cake, but never take it out of the packet, even though I love eating them, esp' the dark fruit cakes!
by Miro
PS: I used to make my own Christmas puddings, years ago, & take to to my in-laws when our oven worked. Everyone who was eating it, said how nice it was. Now our youngest daughter makes them for us & her in-laws when we all have Christmas together in Melbourne. ( My husband & I live in Sydney.)
by Miro
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