I am by myself so rarely make my cake now. But I always had gorgeous homew made fruit cake in the past. Now when I buy one, I like the ones which are all fruit and nuts and hardly any cake!!! Yum!!! Expensive,but very,very good!!!
My husband bakes a Christmas Cake every year, to his grandmother's recipe. I'm told it's delicious but I'm not a fan of fruit cake so I don't eat it myself - I prefer stolen.
I don't like Christmas Pudding either. Mince pies on the other hand...... yummy!
I love stollen too! My hubby doesn't so I get them all to myself. Aldi have packets of mini stollens in their stores this year. They're delicous.
Oooh thank you for the tip :)
I have never even tried to make my own C-Cake or Pudding.
In that area, I am lazy!
I have always though that was for far better cooks, than I am.
I am normally given them, and they end up being the 'cheaper ones' so we don't eat them.
Not really keen on the ones with hardly any fruit.
I have also had some that were home made, and didn't like them at all.
I think I will buy one this year, but one that is in the pic.....it looks wonderful! :) yummy lots of fruit.
do you want a really easy recipe using just choc or coffee flavoured milk and fruit?
I would love one!
I don't have an oven....but would love to make it one day at my daughter-in-laws place :)
Oh! jonaj, if you have access to a Microwave Oven, there's an excellent Fruit Cake Recipe for it, which I used for about 25 years! VERY moist! Heaps of Dried Fruit, marinated overnight. It's just THE best! Cheers!
Really! wow now that is pretty good, using a microwave! :)
Yes, & it only takes 45 minutes' to cook on 30% Power!
It's yummy, & just sooooo moist!
I HATE 'dry' fruit cakes! Yuck!
My mother and sister were the bakers in our family - definitely not me! I buy a small Christmas cake every year as it is only for guests. I do find it hard in Brisbane to get a Christmas cake with a marzipan layer covered by icing. That is the usual type of Christmas cake in the UK but not here. Aldi occasionally has it and that's when I make a beeline down there.
Gee, you sure seem to miss living in the UK. Why did you come here, then?
A stupid and ignorant comment - what else would I expect from you donjo!
Not at all!
You're constantly 'whingeing' on this site, that things/life isn't as good here, as the UK.
Gets a tad tiresome, & very, very boring, because the 'remedy' is such an easy one!
Your bigotry is showing (and some)!!
I always make my own fruit cake and during the year as well. When we were younger my grandmother, mum and aunt used to spend a whole day making fruit cakes and puddings for Christmas and I know I couldn't make a pudding as great as theirs were.
I'm afraid I used to buy them. We only have Xmas pudding for Christmas, so I'd buy a Christmas cake, but never take it out of the packet, even though I love eating them, esp' the dark fruit cakes!
PS: I used to make my own Christmas puddings, years ago, & take to to my in-laws when our oven worked. Everyone who was eating it, said how nice it was. Now our youngest daughter makes them for us & her in-laws when we all have Christmas together in Melbourne. ( My husband & I live in Sydney.)