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Do you have friends of all different religions?

by Finy (follow)
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friends religion
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Some people only mix with friends of their own religion.

Do you have friends of all different religions?

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Of course - that's where the diversity comes from! It's important to have friends from different religious/cultural backgrounds in order to develop a broad perspective on life and general thoughts.
Of course.
I don't believe in religion or God, however I believe people have a right to their beliefs. I have worked in a large multi-cultural workplace, with people from all types of belief systems, hindu, buddist, catholic, etc etc.
As long as their is reciprocated respect it doesn't matter what a person does on a Sunday (or Saturday) (or every day) morning.
Definitely. I also love to visit different places of worship, as I think this helps me to appreciate all the different spiritual / religious paths.
Yes. The subject of religion rarely comes up when I'm talking to my friends, but I know some of them are religious.
That great :) it really is.
by jonaja
I would have..... but other religions like Muslim ect, normally do not mix with Christians.
If they do, it is at work...or a long friendship from high school or the like.
And from what I have learnt from my young Muslim friends, is that they would love to mix with Australians but do not know how to meet them, and also are embarrassed at their English. They seem to like everything Australian, however on a recent outing to show one young girl a regional area in Perth, she asked me if people do not like the scarf she wears. So obviously some are also conscious of this.
by Finy
I take your point Finy...but they really are not encouraged to mix with Christians, and they ask you what your religion is, first.It's happened to me.
When you say Christian, they go real quite...quickly.
by jonaja
I have not had that happen. And they did not ask me about my religion -are you talking about refugees or Visa holders who are permanent?
by Finy
No makes not difference it just happens, I have tried believe me.
by jonaja
I think that they are good people,
my friend is muslem and he is very kind and honest.
by shiri
Yes I have friends from all different religions. Respecting each others customs made our friendship easier. I visit them for their religious festivals and invite them to take part in our festivities. I think we get to know each other better and have a lot of questions answered about other religions , easing us to have a good time.
Yes I do have.
Yes, I have friends from all different religions, and some who are not religious at all. We are all different and can find value in our differences.
Yes, I have friends from all different religions.we are different;but we are the best friend in world! :)
I 've taught children of different religions and have found it fascinating, but have noticed their weekends seem to be filled with family and friends of the same ethnicity. My friends however are all white and mostly British backgrounds. Probably the fact that I do English Country Dance has contributed to this. It's not a deliberate choice but I also realized recently that I'm surrounded by practicing or lapsed Christians. (I used to be a church-goer many years ago).
I don't think I have friends of ANY religions...but I have relatives of different religions...actually, we have a few religious friends, and yep, different religions.
Yes I do
by Finy
Yes I have friends of different religions. Why not, we are a multicultural/racial society and besides differences make things interesting. And with that more tolerant. Each unto his/her own.
Just C of E,1 catholic friend who doesn't go to church & good old atheists, which of cause, isn't a religion anyway!
by Miro
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