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Do you have enough storage space in your home?

by Vee (follow)
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Attribution: kconnors, sourced from morgueFile.com

The lack of storage space we have at home is really annoying, especially because we don’t have a lot of stuff.

Do you have enough storage space in your home? Are there any tips you’d give to those with limited space?

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At the moment, no we don't. We have moved from a large house to a medium size house and so have packed out the garage with surplus furniture and "stuff" and still have some in storage elsewhere! We are hoping to buy a bigger house in the spring and then we will have enough storage space in the home again. It is very frustrating!
The only tip I have is to be very organised and to make the most of the height of rooms, so put things in baskets on top of cupboards and wardrobes. Also be ruthless with weeding out stuff you don't need or haven't used in a long time....
I try to be ruthless with stuff like that, I really do, but there's some stuff with which I just can't bear to part with because I think it'll come in handy one day. Of course that day never comes around unless I've thrown it out!
by Vee
No I don't.
I have only ever had one house that did.
It had a wonderful floor to ceiling built-in wardrobe in the hallway.It was along one wall, but because they chose really really nice wooden sliding doors, it looked just fab!
That's a great idea. Hallways are often a waste of space because there's not much you can do with them, but that's a handy idea.
by Vee
Oh yes, I just moved into this new apartment and there is not even enough space to keep my daily wear clothes. I purchased the hanging closet organizer from Ikea to help with it. Not to mention, I am still running out of space and I keep trying to find new ideas to use the space efficiently. I also plan to use small organizing baskets or shelf divider for the same. I am yet to figure out my kitchen though. Guess I will just not stock up a lot.
by BK
Kabhi, I feel your frustration.
by Vee
Technically there's probably enough space but we aren't using it as efficiently as possible. We could use a few more shelves and some boxes to divide up the top of wardrobes better so things aren't just shoved in there in a big pile.
And sometimes the shelves are too high making them useless. They are so small in my case, that my suitcases won't fit there as well. But I agree with you, using boxes and dividers does help. And for a short person like me, I definitely need to keep a step ladder handy !
by BK
Yes, I should invest in a stepladder. I can't see what's at the back of high shelves. It's a pain.
I have heaps of storage space.

There are several nice things about living alone and this is one of them!

When I moved from a large country house to the city, I made sure I had plenty of storage space when I re-did half the house.

I have heaps of room in the kitchen, and also laundry.

The garage was also set up so that I can store a lot in there, and then I have two spare rooms as well so storage space is great where I am.

I hate not having enough so I always make sure I have a house with plenty of storage space despite selling half my collections before moving to the city.
by Finy
Wow, Finy. It sounds like you could have kept your collections and still had space.
by Vee
Yes I probably could have VEE but as am in the last stages of life, I thought I would spare my children a lot of work -they do not seem to care that the ones I have left are worth a lot! I can see a big blue bin outside my place when I die and I will turn in my grave!!!!
by Finy
Oh noooo.
by Vee
I don't know if this is planning too far in advance, but why don't you find somebody who would appreciate some of the stuff you've got in terms of collector's items and leave it to them when you die. Saves you 'rolling in your grave'.
by Vee
LOL because what I have left is worth a lot of money and I want my child/grand children/daughter in law to have this
by Finy
I'm running out of storage space really fast. I don't have enough storage as it stands.
Former home, yes. Current home, no. It has NO cupboards, except in Kitchen! It's approx one-sixth size of former home! Had NO choice!
Annoys me that my furniture & 70% of my belongings' in storage.
That sounds like a pain! Do you have any hopes or plans to move into a bigger place?
by Vee
Oh! Vee, thank you, yes, mid year I'll look around for a place, more suitable to my needs.
If I can't find exactly what I want, I'll stay as is, due security grilles on ALL openings, top to ground, so I feel very safe.
Have an excellent 'watch-cat' in my rescued Siamese, who howls like a banshee if there's the slightest 'oddity' in the house surrounds! Lol!
by donjo
No. There isn't enough space in the known universe for the hoarder I live with !!
by Rice
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