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Do you have electrolyte drinks in hot weather?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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Coconut water electrolyte

When the weather heats up, do you reach for a special drink to replenish electrolytes? If so, which do you prefer--something natural like coconut water, or a more commercial product such as Gatorade. Why do you think it's important? Or why do you not bother?

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Electrolytes are essential to well being, in very hot weather.

Dehydration is a serious problem with health.
I will buy any, if I need too.It's a matter of getting it into you...and feeling better.
Young children are very much at risk, good idea to carry some in the car in a cooler bag. Same go's for older people.
Yeah, you do have to watch dehydration with little ones. I found breastfeeding an awesome safety net in that respect as it meant I have always had something on hand for them to drink that will rehydrate them and give them energy. Might consider carrying some electrolyte powder now they're getting older.
exactly... :)
by jonaja
I do. Electrolyte drinks make me feel more energetic in hot weather. I used to go for things like Gatorade until I discovered coconut water. Now I prefer the coconut water and actually crave it in really hot weather.
Sometimes I use a powdered electrolyte drink you mix with water, but only if it's really hot or I'm dehydrated for other reasons (eg. menstuating and lactating) and it does help if I am starting to get a headache from dehydration. Mainly though I just try to drink heaps of water.

I've heard a lot of hype about coconut water but have never tried it. What's supposed to be so great about it?
Since I'm in the UK, the weather is rarely hot enough to have to consider things like that. I just drink the same thing all year round.
No, I generally just stick with normal water and occasionally if I need a little more energy then I do buy Gatorade.
Yes I do, although I prefer water. Good to have both.
by Finy
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