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Do you have dimmers on any of your lights?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you have dimmer switches on your lights and do you use them often?

#Dimmer switches
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Yes, I do have dimmer switches on just two of my lights -wish I had them in the bedroom!

I use them all the time as they are connected to about 6 downlights which are just too bright for watching TV or eating at the dining room table, and just right when dimmed to the light I like.
by Finy
Yes, in my bedroom. family room and lounge room. Don't tend to use them much as I prefer the ambience of table lamps or standard lamps.
I don't.
I really like the idea, and we now just use lamps.
Who ever came up with the idea was a real champion, you can set the moods in a turn.
Love the idea! :)
No I don't but that's because we rent. If we had our own place I would have dimmer switches - I think they are a good idea
by AJ
No, no such luxuries for me...my place is nearly 30yrs old and haven't updated to them, doesn't worry me though
by Fran
I do have dimmer switches for the living areas,as I am not overly fond of brightly lit rooms unless I am doing some craft or other!! I find that lamps get me out trouble for these situations,anyway,so the dimmers on the main lights are perfect for me.
No I dont
No. My aunt is a big fan of dimmers and it drives me mad when I'm at her house trying to work out how to switch the lights on and get them to the right brightness. Grrrrrrr!
We have a dimmer in our dining room but that's it. I never use the dimming feature though, because it makes a buzzing noise when it's dimmed, which gets on my nerves. My grandparents have a dimmer in their dining room as well, and it does the same thing.
Yes, in my TV viewing room, the floor light.
Both lights have dimmer switches, & these are used constantly!
Just perfect for the good background lighting for TV viewing!
one dimmer switch on my daughters old bedroom she wanted one when a teenager . now find it useful for my grandchildren when they stay over, one of them likes the light on when she goes to bed and is quite happy with the light turned down low, when she is asleep I just turn it off.
We have 1 in our hallway that doesn’t work anymore! That’s it.
We have all LED's now, except the light over my bed, which is nothing! I just use the bedside light, in my bedroom. My husband tried to replace the light, but he couldn't, as he'd have to stand on the bed to do it, & I didn't think he should, as he's not an electrician. It's not about just changing a light bulb, there's different coloured wires sticking out of the socket. Oops, I've got off the topic...again!
by Miro
We have dimmers on many lights in our home. I am happy with them. We have updated most commonly used lights to LEDs because they are more energy efficient , but unfortunately they can't be dimmed. We try to use a warm/ white coloured bulb as opposed to the brilliant blue/white, so it softens their effect a little.
No, I don't have dimmers any where in my house.
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