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Do you have decorative throw cuchions on your bed?

by Vee (follow)
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throw cushions
Attribution: jdurham, morguefile.com

I bought a couple of decorative throw pillows when I first got married, but as doing the bed became less of a priority, I ditched them.

Do you have decorative throw cushions on your bed or are they just a waste of time?

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No, not a fan of all that fru fru stuff
No, just 2 normal pillows. I can see myself doing something like that at some point of time though :)
by BK
Over the years I have gone through phases of putting no more than two decorative cushions on the bed. I had 2 cushions with dolphins on them when my quilt featured dolphins. I brought 2 cushion cover back from an overseas holiday and used them for a while. Usually I just have a pile of pillows that I can put behind me when I read in bed.
Yes, I have throw cushions in several places.

The bedroom I have about 6 or 8, and I also have some on the leather lounge to brighten up the room.

I also have a lot of brightly coloured one on a cane suite that I have outside, under a verandah type enclosure.

I love scatter cushions however they do collect dirt especially the outside ones. They can brighten up a room and I would rather brighten with something like this and introduce colour into furniture.
by Finy
No I don't.

Now because of a condition I have a HUGE sq pillow, that keeps me slightly upright,when sleeping.
Cushions' anywhere annoy me! Had them in parents' home, but when I got my own built, nope, just a waste of money & time!
Agreed. The throw cushions here really annoy me, but I can't get rid of them as they are not mine. I find myself just shifting them around.
by Vee
Hi! Vee, can u not put them into a 'garbag' & throw 'em in a cupboard or corner?
by donjo
Thought that is a good idea, donjo, we have no room to stow them away.
by Vee
Oh! Vee, how's about in the roof, or garden shed, or even better, a 'decorative feature' in the garden, with waterfall tumbling over them? Lol!
by donjo
No. They take up space and look cluttered to me
Yes - have half a dozen decorative cushions in my newly re-vamped bedroom. They are pretty glamorous and glitzy and look fabulous in the room. The down side is chucking them off the bed at night!
Oh! norma, then having to put them back ON, in the morning!
by donjo
Err no!. The bed has pillows, the lounge has cushions.

Has been that way since the the very first cave decorator put the first straw filled skins on the grass based boudoir.

Being politically polite and correct here.
Remember people, life is not a fashion show, well my life is not anywho!
But if it suits you, go for it.
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