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Do you have ceiling fans and do you like them?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Do you have any ceiling fans?

Do you like them, and do you prefer them to the air conditioner?

#Ceiling fans
#Air conditioner
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I have ceiling fans in several rooms and find them great.

However when it is extremely hot, as it often is here in Perth, I find they are not a great deal of use, and I always turn on the airconditioners.

When it is just a bit hot, I will turn on the fans and they are great.

I also have one over the bed however that one, although it is good at night, makes a whirring noise and disturbs, and annoys me, so I often end up turning on the air conditioner in the bedroom also.
by Finy
I love the photo you used, Finy!
by Miro
LOL @ that photo!

We don't have any sort of cooling things here, just lovely large windows. We open them to cool the house down at least two days a year har har.
So funny, I have the same question waiting in queue to be published . Guess I need to change it, LOL

I love ceiling fans but we don't have one right now. I like how they circulate air , but not so much useful for super hot days.
by BK
I don't now, but I do like them.
Even not on hot days, It's lovely to have a door. open and a fan on low going...clean out the air, in any room.

Only 1 problem, I would have to get a Cat!...because they love them too.

So maybe I'll live without one, just for now...D a r n :(
Oh Yes!!! And Yes/maybe!!! I live in the tropics and I could never manage without my wonderful ceiling fans in every room!! I do use the air conditioners during the day in summer here WITH the fans to help circulate that lovely cool air.
But by night I am so cold thanks to extremely good insulation in the ceiling and also the walls,that I go to bed with just my fan on.I really dislike sleeping in an air conditioned room! I have a very bad arthritic disease and I seize up if sleeping in the cold.Little wonder that I left Melbourne many years ago to come up north!!!
I live in Cairns - Our ceiling fans are great for keeping the house cool in winter! By the time we get to summer we need to start using the air cons. Especially to help everyone sleep.
Oh I wish I lived somewhere hot enough to need ceiling fans! Our central heating is on full blast all day long at the moment, just trying to get the house to a reasonable temperature.....
When I lived in Singapore I had a ceiling fan in my sitting room and I loved it. It was completely inadequate for cooling the room during the day though, so I used the aircon then but at night it was lovely to relax on the settee and watch the fan looping round hypnotically. I also loved the iconic fans in the Long Bar at Raffles Hotel, they were a top tourist destination on the island.
Just sipping 'Singapore Slings'........way to go!
by donjo
We've been to the Long Bar at Raffles, in Singapore 3 times, VerityG. The 1st 2 times in '02. I felt like I was in a Jim Cagney's movie seeing the fans there. (The 2nd time we'd taken our youngest daughter, on her way to the UK to pick up a Spanish bus tour) & the 3rd visit was only last August when we were in Singapore for 3 days, but it was closed for very long renovations, so I could only take photos of the coverings on the outside!
by Miro
We have one. They look ugly, let's be honest, but they are practical.
by Vee
I don't have one but I do like them
by AJ
No but I wouldn't mind a couple as handy if it is hot but not too hot.
by fran
We love our ceiling fans. We set them on S for Summer and W for Winter. Although we have ducted air-conditioning, we find the fans are sufficient and we only use the air-conditioning about 6 times in summer and most mornings for a half hour or so to warm the house in Winter..

We have ceiling fans and I love them. At night a fan is enough to let me sleep. We have a split system in the kitchen which blows into the lounge room. We use the ceiling fan in the kitchen to circulate the cool air into other rooms.
There is one ceiling fan in my childrens room. Its cheaper than running an AC unit. Plus I can open the windows which I cant do with the AC

by Gia
I have put ceiling fans in most of the rooms. They are not cheap as you have to get the remote with them. I love them to keep cool especially in bed at night. I prefer them to refrigerated aircon.
Forget the fan!
Can I have the cat? Lol!
Yes I have ceiling fans in the bedrooms, lounge, family room and kitchen/diner. Also have air con in master bedroom, lounge and family room. I tend to use mainly ceiling fans and, when it is too hot or humid, put air con on for a while. Don't like the "whirring" sound of ceiling fan above my head in the bedroom so run air con briefly to cool room before bedtime, and then use floor fan.
I love my ceiling fans. I have them in every room except the bathroom. I couldn't live without them. I had them going day and night this Spring/Summer. In the bedroom I use the lowext setting and run it all night until around 6.00 a.m the next morning. It doesn't make a noise and my cat sleeps at the foot of the bed so she keeps cool as well
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