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Do you have bubble baths, and do you use a fragrance?

by Finy (follow)
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bubble bath
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Do you have bubble baths, and how do you feel afterwards?

How often do you have them, and which fragrance do you prefer for this?

#Bubble Bath
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I love bubble baths, and beautiful perfumes, as long as they're both natural...and ideally made from organic ingredients. Unfortunately I don't have enough time to indulge in them these days, though. Reading this question (and responding to it) makes me realise just what I'm missing! I think I'll have to make time to have one tomorrow.
I can only use paraben and sulphate free bubble bath, so it's a bit more expensive, which means I can't indulge very often. I don't really have the time for a bath all that often these days, and having a bubble bath too often (like every day) isn't good for you anyway since it can lead to yeast infections. I like a nice natural fragrance, like vanilla.
Only once. It was a lovely and romantic experience
I love bubble baths, but mainly in winter as I find it rather uncomfortable in the hot weather.
I use a Jurlique oil which makes my skin go lovely and soft, or an organic bubble bath usually lavendar.
by Finy
I haven't done this in over a year, but bubble baths are very relaxing.
by Vee
I hate baths. They make me feel less relaxed than when I got in. I prefer showers.
meee toooo. :)
by jonaja
No I don't take baths anymore.
I get very scared of being in a bath tub, with the water all around me.
I worrie I may slip and fall badly, on getting out...everything is wet and slippery.
I love bubble baths, and beautiful perfumes, as long as they're both natural...and ideally made from organic ingredients. Unfortunately I don't have enough time to indulge in them these days, though. Reading this question (and responding to it) makes me realise just what I'm missing! I think I'll have to make time to have one tomorrow.
yes, that's luxury and spoiling yourself. I usually drop in a few drops of lavender oil to really help the brain as well as the body relax.
No I don't, because our bath is only used for luggage my husband hasn't; taken to the op-shop yet, but our little granddaughters love having a bubble bath every night they have a week-end at their aunty's house.
by Miro
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