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Do you have any security measures in your house including a fire alarm?

by Finy (follow)
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Security (14)      Alarm (2)      Burglar alarm (1)      Fire alarm (1)      Security system (1)     

Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Do you have any security measures in your home?

Do you have fire alarms?

#Burglar alarm
#Fire alarm
#Security system
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I have a full security system and would not be without this.
I live with the dogs however am not frightened at night as I arm the perimeter of the house.

It is an excellent system and does not go off by mistake for no reason which happened a lot with my last one -=admittedly this was in the country and we had one of the big sheds alarmed and had water rats so they probably set it off.

Also connected to this type of system is an alarm which does not rely on batteries.
by Finy
We do have smoke alarm.
Plus, no one can really break in, I live in a village so people next door are always home.Even across the small street we have.We also have boom gates, so it really would be quite a hard task, going un noticed.
Staff are always out and about too.
We have 2 fire alarms, & 2 front door locks. (We don't have a back door or side door!)
by Miro
We have smoke alarms.
I have several smoke alarms.
We have smoke alarms and that's it. We lock the doors and that's all the security we have.
Good one! I've been thinking of asking this question. Yes, we have security and fire alarms at our house.
by Vee
Because I am in an apartment block it is fully fitted with smoke alarms and sprinklers plus you can't get in unless someone buzzes you in and even if you got in the front door you wouldn't be able to use the lift.
by AJ
Have fire alarm & security grilles.
Wouldn't be without either, ever!
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