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Do you have any roses growing in your garden?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you currently have any rose bushes growing in your garden?

#Rose bushes
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No, I dont in this house, or the last even though I love roses.
I especially love those old ones that have a delightful scent and while I like the actual flower, I do not particularly like the looks of a rose bush.

However, if I had a big yard, I would have a few roses or perhaps a few standard ones as I like the looks of these bushes more than the ordinary rose.
by Finy
Not at present but I have had huge rose gardens in past years . . . even with MY black thumb!! I only ever have fragrant roses as I love them all so much.
by Rice
nothing beats that "heady" smell of a strong rose - oh apart from that white flower who's name I cannot remember....sheeeshhh, age....g?
by Finy
Gardenia . . .?
by Rice
yes, Gardenia, thank you Rice!
by Finy
Rice, I love that you call it a black thumb!
by Naomi
:-))))) ^_^
by Rice
I do!
I have one Topiary Rose in Pink, which is divine when it blooms.
I also have a little baby one, my best friend gave me before she died.
Yes! They are beautiful. I can't take any credit for them as they are my mother-in-law's. They were taken from her mother's house. They smell lovely, and we often cut some and bring them into the house. Really brightens up the place.
by Vee
I have a pink miniature rose bush. I don't tend it much but its quite nice.
I adore Roses.. but have just the one bush. A stunning pink with a beautiful smell. I love having the cut flowers about my house.
Yes. We have a few. Roses are my favorite flower. The scent is heavenly, and there are so many different shades to choose from. We always have roses in vases throughout the house. I just love fresh flowers.
A young family friend gave my mother a lovely bunch of pale green roses, for
Mother's Day, this year. (She likes to think she's 1 of my sisters!)
by Miro
by AJ
I have a few rose bushes in a cottage garden area. Like Finy,I love the flower and its perfume but don't particularly like the look of the bush. My cottage garden is a little wild looking so they grow amongst other wildish flowering shrubs.
Ive a lot of rose bushes. Dug out the clay with a mattock and planted them myself. One of my originals is called "Old Gold" and the head is like a small cabbage when it flowers. These roses were planted in the early 70's and I've only replaced 2 and bought 1 new one. The most disappointing one was "Blue Moon" which was a lovely mauve for years then looked nothing like it was originally so pulled it out and replaced it with another of the same name but it was not like my original one in colour either. I've different colours and the garden looks a picture when they flower, some are out now but others have been pruned.
Beautiful yellow ones grow at the front of my house. I find that they are so easy to keep if you make it a point to cut them down to almost nothing at the end of a season.
We used to, and we still have rose bushes at the front,I love roses, there are so many varieties,and colours and scents,it is difficult to choose.
No, we don't have any roses, but I am able to pick them from my brother-in-laws 2 rose bushes, when we are down there putting out his green bins, after my father-in-law has done the mowing. 1 is pale yellow, & the other is a lovely strong smelling dark red 1. I like that 1 the best! (My b/in/l passed away 7 months ago, but the house hasn't been put up for sale as yet, but when it is, it will be pulled down for units.)
by Miro
Yes at least 7 bushes..
No. I love the red beautiful ones with a fragrance though.
I have about 60. Blooming now... heaven!

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